MK Tzipi Livni condemns the bill Haredi – Israel News


  Tzipi Livni

Tzipi Livni.
(Photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)


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Tzipi Livni, a member of the Knesset and political leader of the Zionist Union, attacked Avigdor Liberman and Yair Lapid for their support of the Haredi bill in an interview with Army Radio on Tuesday morning .

Livni's comments came in response to Monday night's decision to advance the controversial draft of drafting yeshiva (Jewish religious schools).

"There has never been any more political and cynical use of the IDF." Livni was referring to shortcomings in the bill that would allow Hardeim not to serve in the US. army. "

Although the law includes financial sanctions against the yeshiva budget if the enlistment goals are not achieved, the Judah parties of the United Torah and Shas are willing to live with the law because that the conditions are relatively flexible and that the final pbadage will eliminate the issue in the next elections. "On the one hand, there is a need for manpower, but the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense are not the heads of the Personnel Branch [IDF]"Livni said, referring to the intent of the bill, who have historically deferred service by religious study to yeshivas. [19659016] "Every Israeli citizen must serve Israeli society, either in the ar or through the national service, "Livni said. "The army should be the first to decide who is fit to serve and who can serve society in other ways: the army does not decide what our values ​​are as a society," he said. concluded Livni.

Asked about the status of the political party of the Zionist Union, which must choose a successor to head the party after the departure of former leader Isaac Herzog, Livni mentioned that the party must undergo a transformation and return to its roots. 19659016] When asked if Livni had discussed the party's future and his leadership with Labor Party leader Avi Gabbay, she mentioned that they were "in communication", but did not reveal more details.

Jeremy Sharon contributed to this report.

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