UNHCR rehabilitates community center in Baghdad, with support from the People's Republic of China [EN/AR] – Iraq


The Haifa Club Community Center in Baghdad officially reopened today, after extensive renovations
works. The center has been at the heart of the local community for nearly 50 years, bringing together
Iraqis and Palestinian refugees who share the neighborhood.

Through its activities, the Haifa Club helps to promote social cohesion between the local population and
the Palestinian refugees who are sheltering here.

More than 3,000 people in the local community use this center. Local football and basketball teams train them
using the Club facilities. Families take their children to daycare and celebrate milestones
in their life in the community hall. When the Club fell into disuse, it affected the entire community.

UNHCR and its partner, Islamic Relief Worldwide, rehabilitated the center with the support of
The people of the Republic of China. Since the beginning of 2017, China has generously donated 2 million dollars
UNHCR's efforts to help Palestinian refugees in Iraq. The funds supported a series of activities for
Palestinian refugees, scholarships for vital health care. The renovations of the Haifa Club are at
heart of this project.

"China would like to continue working with the United Nations and the
community to play a constructive role in improving the humanitarian situation of Palestinian refugees "
said Chen Weiqing, Ambbadador of the People's Republic of China to Iraq.

Palestinian Ambbadador Ahmed Aqel replied: "We thank the Chinese government and
people for funding to help Palestinians in Iraq. We also thank UNHCR for its continued efforts
to improve the lives of Palestinians in Iraq. The Palestinian Embbady is happy to continue
cooperation with UNHCR in Iraq. "

" While forced displacement around the world is growing year by year, helping refugees rebuild their lives
must be a shared responsibility, and UNHCR is grateful to the People's Republic of China for this
generous gift, "said UNHCR Representative in Iraq Bruno Geddo." Equally important, we
must empower communities that host refugees by funding projects that
refugees and their guests together, such as the renovation of this center. We hope the Haifa club
Iraqis and Palestinians socialize will remain at the heart of the local community for many years to
come. "

For more information, contact:

Kate Pond [email protected] +964 780 920 7286 (Baghdad)
Mustafa Aldalawi [email protected] +964 7801958468 (Baghdad)
Rasheed H Rasheed [email protected] +964 7507130014 (Dohuk)

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