The Secret Life of Marc Rich- Entertainment News, Firstpost


Los Angeles : Martian The star Matt Damon is about to enter into an agreement with Universal Picture for the film The King of Oil .

If the talks are finalized, the 47-year-old actor will play the role of Marc Rich in the film.

Based on the book of Daniel Ammann The King of Petroleum: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich The film will be produced by John Krasinski, a star of Quiet Place via his banner Sunday Night Productions

  Matt Damon (left) and John Krasinski (right). Image from Facebook

Matt Damon (left) and John Krasinski (right). Image of Facebook

Rich was a powerful oil and commodity trader who founded Glencore before being indicted in 1983 on 65 criminal charges, including tax evasion. He received a controversial pardon from US President Bill Clinton on his last day in power and died in 2013 at the age of 78 after living abroad for many years

The Story will be adapted by Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse. The Hollywood Reporter .

The project will be co-produced by Allyson Seeger with Vincent Sieber and Uri Singer.

Damon and Krasinski have already collaborated on the Promised Land of Gus Van Sant and Manchester by the Sea .

Damon will soon begin filming James Mangold's film Ford vs. Ferrari alongside Christian Bale, and is also scheduled to play in a biopic of Robert F Kennedy. from The director of the dark tower Nikolaj Arcel.

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Publication date: Jul 03, 2018 11:49
| Updated on Jul 03, 2018 11:49 AM


Date Updated: Jul 03, 2018 11:49 AM

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