Iran, hit by drought, accuses Israel of flying clouds, snow | Jns


In another apparent paranoia display, an Iranian general on Monday accused Israel of manipulating the weather to steal the clouds and snow from the Islamic republic and provoke Iran's long drought.

Brig. General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of the Iranian civil defense organization, made these statements at an agricultural conference in Tehran, reports the Tasnim news agency in Iran

"Teams Israel and one of the neighboring countries are bringing clouds into Iran barren, and we are also witnessing cases of cloud flying and snowflights, "he said. said.

Jalali did not mention the other country that he thought was flying Iranian clouds and snow. a role in climate change

The head of the Iranian meteorological service quickly countered the general's badertions, although he admitted to not having any information, according to the British Daily Mail.

"[The general] probably has documents of which I am not aware, but on the basis of meteorological knowledge, it is not possible for a country to steal snow or clouds" said Ahad Vazife. does not apply only to Iran. Asking such questions not only does not solve any of our problems, but will dissuade us from finding the right solutions. "

Jalali is not the first member of the Iranian government to suggest that bad weather was deliberately caused by other nations." 19659002] In 2011, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Western countries it has also accused Western states of creating the HIV virus to weaken the developing world and create a market for medicines.

Although the Iranian regime threatens Extermination, last month, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video at the Israeli Foreign Ministry Channel in Farsi language, offering advanced water technology from Israel to the country hit by drought

The Iranian people "are victims of a cruel and tyrannical regime that denies them vital water," says Netanyahu in the video. "Israel has the know-how to prevent environmental catastrophe in Iran. I want to share this information with the people of Iran. Unfortunately, Iran forbids Israelis to visit, so we will have to be creative. We will launch a Farsi website with detailed plans on how Iranians can recycle their wastewater. We will show how Iranian farmers can save their crops and feed their families, "he says.

" The people of Iran are good and decent. They should not have to face such a cruel regime. We are with you. We will help so millions of Iranians do not have to suffer. The hatred of the Iranian regime will not stop the respect and friendship between our two peoples. "

The video recorded 5 million views during the first five days of its existence, including 1.6 million on Netanyahu's social networks." 19659016] / * [ad_2]
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