Israeli women gather on the other side of the border to show their solidarity with the women's march in Gaza – Israel News


A group of about 50 activists rallied and demonstrated solidarity on the Israeli side of the Gaza border Tuesday night during the first scheduled march of ongoing Gaza protests.

After a meeting near Kibbutz Nahal Oz, one of the closest Israeli communities to the border, the women's group spoke by mobile phone to one of the organizers of the demonstration in the Gaza Strip. Gaza.

"She thanked us for our support and told us that it was very important to them," said Ghadir Hani, who translated the words of the organizer from Arabic to l & # 39; Hebrew.

  Dr. Julia Chaitin (left) and Ghadir Hani (right) protest side by side, July 3, 2018

Kyle Mackie

"She talked about the power of women and how four mothers helped Israel out of Lebanon and how women have the power to make change. "

Hani, a member of the grbadroots social and political movement Standing Together, said she preferred not to identify the organizer in Gaza by name. Standing Together organizes Jews and Arabs around campaigns for peace, equality and social justice, and the group co-hosted Tuesday's solidarity event with a group of community residents from across the country. Gaza border called Other Voice.

Dr. Julia Chaitin, of Kibbutz Urim, spoke to the organizer of Gaza on behalf of Other Voice.

"I told him that on this side of the border we are about 50 [people]," said Dr. Chaitin. "For 10 years we have been saying that the siege must come to an end, we do not consider them enemies, we consider them our neighbors, and our leaders and leaders do not want to make the change, so it is we make the change. "

  The Israeli-Gazan Border Wall, July 3, 2018

Kyle Mackie

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After the phone call, about half of the group walked or walked about a kilometer across Israeli agricultural fields to a place where Gaza protesters were visible to each other side of the border. The women carried placards with slogans such as "A future of dignity and hope on both sides of the border" and "Stop the next war in Gaza" as the sirens sounded and the Israeli army fired. tear gas canisters on protesters. back to the Israeli group by the wind.

At age 17, Dror Adam, of Sderot, was one of the youngest women in the group. She said that she thought it was important to come because she personally experienced how violence continues in the region afflicts communities on both sides of the border. border. In 2006, when Dror was 7 years old, his family's house was destroyed by a rocket fired into Israel from the Gaza Strip.

"We are neighbors," said Dror, speaking of women in Gaza. "I feel for them and they should not lose hope."

But all the women who came in solidarity do not live in the neighboring communities. Hamutal Gouri traveled from Jerusalem to stand at the border.

  An injured woman is lying on a stretcher in east Gaza, July 3, 2018 "title =" An injured woman is lying on a stretcher in east Gaza, July 3, 2018 " srcset = "https: //www.haaretz .com / polopoly_fs / 1.6242541.1530650429! /image/2598802709.jpeg_gen/derivatives/size_468xAuto/2598802709.jpeg 468w,! /image/2598802709.jpeg_gen/derivatives/ size_640xAuto / 2598802709.jpeg 640w,! /images/2598802709.jpeg_gen/derivatives/size_748xAuto/2598802709.jpeg 748w,!/image/2598802709.jpeg_gen/derivatives/size_936xAuto/2598802709.jpeg 936w, https: //! /image/2598802709.jpeg_gen/derivatives/size_1496xAuto/2598802709. jpeg 1496w "height =" "/>

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"I wanted there to be a presence here of women and men who say: "We hear you we are here as women too, as people who believe in non-violent activism and peaceful resolution of the conflict", said Gouri.

"I believe that we – women – are the ones who can and will bring a peace agreement," she continued, "because I think we have different perspectives. at the table. "

In Gaza, it was reported that the Israeli army had used scattering measures by leaps, firing tear gas and smoke grenades while walking. Palestinian reports also said three people were injured by Israeli gunfire on the rally, near the barrier and east of Gaza City.

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