Netanyahu Revokes Ban on MKs Temple Tours | The Jewish Press – | JNi.Media | 21 Tammuz 5778 – July 4th, 2018


Photo credit: Flash 90

Police block the road of Arabs trying to enter the Temple Mount during the riots. (Archive: September 2015)

After more than two years in which deputies were prevented from visiting the Temple Mount, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday authorized members of the most sacred Jewish site . Netanyahu sent a letter to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein announcing that every MP can visit the Temple Mount once every three months. The new license includes government ministers.

Deputies' visits to the Temple Mount were blocked in November 2015 after it turned out that MPs, particularly Arab lawmakers, were provoking violent provocations. Recently, the commander of the Jerusalem Police District, Major General Yehoram Halevy, recommended to Police Commissioner Roni Alsheikh to renew the visits

As might be expected, the Arab Common List expressed its opposition at the very thought of the Prime Minister

"Netanyahu will not tell Muslims, MKs and others, when to go in and when to pray." For non-Muslims, there is nothing to look for said Haneen Zoabi, adding that "Netanyahu wants to lead to a conflagration in order to escape criminal prosecution against him and the threat of dismantling the coalition …"

The Minister of Finance Agriculture Uri Ariel (Habayit Hayehudi) responded to the Prime Minister's decision: "The Temple Mount should be open to prayer for Jews throughout the year, including elected officials. are not the owners of Temple Mount and we do not We do not accept the threats and violence that caused restrictions on the Temple Mount. I call on the Prime Minister to open the Temple Mount to unconditional Jewish prayers for all who wish.

MK Yehuda Glick (Likud), President of the Lobby for the Strengthening of the Jewish Bond at Temple Mount, said: "I congratulate the Prime Minister for putting an end to the illegal and unreasonable ban on Members of the Temple Mount, and invite him to complete the welcome change and allow Knesset members to come to the Temple Mount at any time, the citizen or the tourist is entitled to. "

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