A Duvdevan soldier who accidentally killed a friend is 18 months old


The combat soldier of the Duvdevan unit who accidentally
his friend Shachar Strug to death was sentenced to 18 months in prison Wednesday as part of an advocacy agreement.

In addition, Sergeant N. received 12 months of probation and was demoted to the rank of Private.

The verdict laments "the tragic incident: a shot that cut the line of life of the deceased".

  The soldier Duvdevan (Photo: Yariv Katz)

The soldier Duvdevan (Photo: Yariv Katz)

"Shachar learned to love the country and others, he was a He did everything to serve in the Duvdevan unit and he did everything he could to serve his family and his family. friends, "noted the judges.

With respect to the soldier who killed Strug, the judges wrote that "the record of the accused is flawless." Since the incident, he cries incessantly the loss of his best friend and the loss of the relationship with the Strug family. his own family … the suffering of the accused is also recognized. "

The soldier's lawyer noted after the verdict that "the suffering, grief and sorrow will remain forever, the accused experienced a terrible emotional agony, the verdict is a relief, but his pain will last for years. 19659002]

Another soldier's lawyer noted the mediation process, in which Strug's father also participated, which contributed to the conclusion of the plea agreement.

 Staff Sergeant Shachar Strug

Staff Sergeant Shachar Strug

At a hearing on Monday, the soldier transmitted a message to Strug's family and burst into tears.

"It's important for me to talk to them and say I'm sorry," he said. "Shachar and I were best friends, it was not just a comrade, but a friend for life, what hurts most, is that no matter what I do, I will not be able never heal their pain. I am sorry and I love them, I hope that in the future they will be able to forgive me, if possible. "

In his initial statement, the soldier told investigators that "it was an accident, not a shooting." We were practicing artillery in a room on a pedestal, as is common in the United States. Unity, he is my best friend and I did not know that he was charged. "

He confessed to his commanders immediately after the shooting: "What did I do, I killed my friend, I ruined my life, we had a shooting battle with the gun. "

Because of Sergeant N's combat service and past impeccable behavior, he received a relatively light sentence. However, the IDF investigation committee that examined the circumstances surrounding the death of Sgt. Strug painted a very disturbing picture of gunshots at the elite unit, which led to a string of severe punishments following the case, including the dismissal of a major companion and a platoon commander.

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