A "Civil War" message from the right-wing radio host mocked on Twitter


It all started with a tweet.

"BREAKING", conspiracy theorist and radio personality Alex Jones tweeted last Sunday. "Democrats plan to launch the civil war on July 4th."

The host of the "Infowars" announced that the Democrats, in alliance with anti-fascist demonstrators and billionaire philanthropist and liberal donor George Soros, had planned to overthrow President Donald Trump since his 2016 presidential election.

"That's it," warns Jones in a livestream recording almost three quarters of a million views. "The globalists see July 4 as their new D day against us, and a lot of things will start then."

Jones claims to have seen recent indicators that the alleged effort was heading towards Independence Day, although he gave no specific reason that it was "Civil War" or any other potential action would start on July 4th.

The personality of the radio has a history of incendiary and false rhetoric. In 2016, Jones helped enact the fictional conspiracy theory "Pizzagate", which falsely claimed that a network of child badual abuse was being led by people related to the Democratic Party. Later, he apologized.

He is also being sued by the families of Sandy Hook's shooting victims after calling the mbadacre fake.

But social media users mostly see humor in its last brink. The hashtags #secondcivilwar and #secondcivilwartersters, consisting mostly of mockery of Jones' warning, have generated nearly 400,000 tweets, according to the Spredfast badysis company. Hashtags grew rapidly in the 24 hours preceding Wednesday's holiday.

Some users mocked the gap between Jones' martial rhetoric and the stereotypes of liberals as coastal elites who appreciate high-end cafes and electric cars, while others, including the model Chrissy Teigen, joked about the difficulty of coordinating.

I have to go to Ralph's house so I need to take a shower but I can shower after the war I suppose

– christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) 4 July 2018

Sorry. I can not participate in #SecondCivilWar tomorrow. I have bone spurs. But I can throw away paper towels from a moving vehicle if someone needs me

– JEN KIRKMAN (@JenKirkman) July 3, 2018

Is it ] #SecondCivilWar is happening on the east coast or west coast time?

Also, I feel fat in my fatigues.

– andy lbadner (@andylbadner) 4 July 2018

I had the chance ZERO to find a tank for tomorrow as my sergeant. educated. I have however found a Hyundai Santa Fe with a third row, so I can take some extra troops with me if I go out the extra seat. #secondcivilwar

– DI $ ARM the NRA (@Trumpalump) July 3, 2018

When the #SecondCivilWar debuts soon, the liberals will have the jump on the Trumpers because we will be completely caffeinated and they will break their Keurig machines.

– Adam Best (@adamcbest) 4 July 2018

Day 1 of #SecondCivilWar . I have prepared 10 pounds of potato salad.

– Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) July 4, 2018

While online liberals amused themselves a lot with the hashtag, it was not just them taking part. Trump's self-proclaimed supporters also joked about a second civil war, which they promptly called for Democrats.

There will be no #SecondCivilWar tomorrow.
If there were, it would be over in 30 minutes.
The Conservatives have all the rifles !!
Rest easy liberals. Unlike you, we are actually gentlemen. We will just beat your bad to the urn … again. Happy 4th! #MAGA

– Michael Nöthem (@mikandynothem) 4 July 2018

Social media users have also jokingly imagined letters from the battle. Actor Patton Oswalt and even the former head of the Office of Government Ethics, Walter Shaub, participated in the hashtag #secondcivilwarletters.

Dear Jeb,
Our exhausted ranks grew when a Yankee, a Mr. Dershowitz, was shunned from the evening meal and defected to our side. Alas, he will surely starve before deigning to take part in our crackers dressed in cheese spray. #secondcivilwarletters

– Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) July 4, 2018

My beloved Harriet –

I write with a heavy heart. I was seriously injured during a skirmish with a team from Incel Irregulars. Doc Tibbens says that there is nothing for that – he will have to amputate my Twitter feed.

Womp womp – Jed. #SecondCivilWarLetters

– Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) July 3, 2018

My darling,
Today, I fear that we will engage the enemy . We drank our morning coffee latte with a sinister determination. The Hipster Battalion has waxed its whiskers, as they will be at the forefront. If I do not come back, find another one with whom Netflix & Chill. #secondcivilwarletters

– Josh Chafetz (@joshchafetz) July 4, 2018

Dear Hillary,

I regret to inform you that my trip to join you and Maxine to Jade Helm II is delayed. Upon arriving at the Beltway, I discovered that my wife had removed the EZ-Pbad transponder from the Prius and that I was now waiting for the HOV restrictions to expire. #SecondCivilWarLetters

– Colonel Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) July 4, 2018


I hope this will find you as I am at 4% of the battery life. I've been captured and I'm at a Trump rally. It's a show. 1000 people and 65 teeth. I hope that I will survive.


Me #secondcivilwar

– Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) July 3, 2018

Dear Mrs. Dershowitz – I regret to inform you that your husband was seriously injured during the battle of Martha's Vineyard, overtaken by a fierce volley of social disinvitations. We fear that his ego remains desperately fragile. #secondcivilwarletters #SecondCivilWar

– ??????? ? ???? not? (@Dofang) July 3, 2018

I pulled on my yoga pants, I stopped at Starbucks for a skinny latte and I caught my iPhone and a laptop battery. I was worried about not going on the right battlefield, but thankfully, it was a place marked on Facebook. I knew I could post a lawyer toast for lunch. #SecondCivilWar

– Molly Jong Fast (@MollyJongFast) 4 July 2018

Dear Ma,

In preparing for tomorrow's battle, we spent the day using Hillary's emails to build our fortress. There is no doubt now that we will be victorious that no one can overcome them. Now we cover until the morning.

Merry Second Civil War #secondcivilwarletters

– Be Best Bowling Green Victim (@TeamGulley) July 4, 2018

Meanwhile, a few predicts that the true division of 39 Jones' warning would not be resolved in any July 4th junta, but at the polls in November:

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