European ambassadors summoned to Tehran after the accusation of conspiracy by an Iranian diplomat


BEIRUT: Syrian rebels said on Wednesday that talks with Russia 's ally regime on the south of the country had collapsed after Moscow threatened a new military offensive if they did not agree. did not accept difficult surrender conditions.

Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces against rebels in the southern provinces of Daraa and Quneitra

But he simultaneously negotiates with rebel cities for capitulations negotiated in a carrot and stick strategy that Russia and regime successfully used

More than 30 cities have already agreed to regain control of the regime and talks focused on the remaining rebel territory in the western Daraa countryside and the southern half of the city
their decision on Moscow's proposal to take power in the rest of the South.

About 90 minutes after the start of the meeting, the "Negotiations with the Russian enemy at Busra Al-Sham failed, after they insisted on the surrender of heavy weapons," said command in an online release.

Their spokesman, Ibrahim Jabbawi, said the talks had given "no results" because Moscow had insisted that the rebels hand over their heavy weapons at one time

"The session it's over. "No meetings have been organized in the future," Jabbawi told AFP

a source close to the talks said the rebels would be ready to deliver heavy weapons in several phases.

the rebels proposed the withdrawal of the army from the recaptured cities and the safe pbadage to the territory of the opposition elsewhere for combatants or civilians only not wanting to live under the control of the regime.


He told the negotiators that population transfers were not on the table in the south, though that was not the case. they have accepted it in other regions such as Eastern Ghouta and Aleppo [1965] 9002] Russia insisted that the army return to its positions before 2011, and the local police would take over the cities in coordination with the Russian military police.

The source said before Wednesday's meeting that the rebels had to give their swe. "
" Today will be the last round – either the rebels accept these conditions or the military operations resume, "the source said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights man said the air strikes had stopped for several days

There has been no immediate report of a resumption of bombings or other hostilities after the failure of the talks.

Moscow used difficult deadlines with the rebels in the past, but sometimes extended them.

This mixture of military pressures and negotiated capitulations brought the control of the regime of Daraa province to about 60%, double what he had when he began his operations on June 19.

The violence has displaced between 270,000 and 330,000 people, many south of the border with Jordan or to the US. west near the Golan Heights occupied by Israel. 59005] The two countries have closed their borders despite the growing calls from Syrian rights groups.

Displaced families

Some displaced families whose hometowns had fallen back under the regime's control are back, but even that trip is dangerous.

Eleven members of one family were killed during the night. World forces criticized the operation for violating antipersonnel mines when they returned to Al-Mseifra, which had "reconciled" with the government, the Observatory said Wednesday. a cease-fire was announced last year by Washington, Amman and Moscow, but they failed to end the campaign

The United Nations Security Council will hold a emergency meeting in camera on Thursday. and IDPs from Daraa gathered in front of UN offices in a rebel-held town in Quneitra province to protest global inaction

"Civilians who fled and lived in tents or without tents This event was held in front of the UN offices to ask the United Nations and the world for protection and international guarantees for their lives, "said Ali Salhadi, a senior official of the United Nations. Opposition

. with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov

Safadi called for a ceasefire in the south, saying the developing situation was "of great importance" for Jordan

Lavrov said that Moscow helped the Syrian army to "convince" the rebels to lay down their arms.

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