Activists abandon heavy weapons in the Bosra of southern Syria


July 4, 2018 | 23:38 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: AFPSputnik: Activists abandon heavy weapons in the Bosra of southern Syria

  Sputnik: militants abandon heavy weapons in the Bosra of southern Syria Image: AFP [19659005] Busra al-Sham. Members of illegal militant groups in the city of Busra al-Sham (Bosra) in Syria's southern Daraa province began delivering heavy weapons to government forces, a military source said on Wednesday . .
"Thanks to the efforts of the Russian officers, who were the mediators of the talks between the militants in Bosra [officially known as Busra al-Sham] and the Syrian army, the militants handed over to the government a tank, an infantry fighting vehicle and an artillery gun, handed over two more IFVs, "said the source.
Busra al-Sham is one of the most strategic strongholds of militants in southern Syria. The city is located between the capital cities of Daraa and Suwayda provinces, about 12 miles from the border with Jordan.

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