Qatar's million dollar madness for Washington's support goes in vain


There was a lot of good-humoredness when a few dozen people, including members of Congress and US administration officials, met last week in a posh Washington neighborhood in honor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar. The scene was the continuation of the same situation more than a year ago while Doha is still spending, in vain, colossal sums and organizes events to push the White House to press the powers of the Middle East to return to their decision to cut

President Donald Trump followed the boycott with tweets suggesting that Qatar is funding terrorism. Reuters quoted Joey Allaham, who was in the habit of being paid by Qatar to defend him, saying that when the decision (cutting ties with Doha) had been taken, "they (Qatar) did not go to the polls. had no presence on the Hill. "

was paid $ 1.45 million, including costs, for his advocacy work. However, a year later, the boycott remains in force, and Qatar is still trying, without result, to persuade some US lawmakers and personalities to help it out of the crisis.

In the Reuters report, several Qatari lobbyists said the strategy cost tens of millions of dollars in Qatar. The country has also hired people close to Trump, pledged billions of dollars in investment or business in the United States, and sponsored visits to Doha, according to its advisers and public documents, according to the report. Less than $ 24 million on lobbying in Washington I in the last 18 months and hired people near Trump.

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, for example, said he had worked for the Qataris on an investigation. Trump's personal attorney in April

Giuliani told Reuters that he had not spoken to Trump about his work in Qatar. On the other hand, Ed Royce, chairman of the powerful foreign affairs committee of the House of Representatives, unveiled plans for a bill naming the Qatar sponsor of terrorism. Royce introduced the bill

Qatar "spun the hill" to oppose the bill, including the appeal to the office of House Speaker Paul Ryan, two lobbyists said. "The Qataris have naturally called all their lobbyists and their favors to try to derail the bill, even though the last chapter on these issues has not yet been written," said Republican fundraiser Elliott. Broidy, who sued Qatar for hacking his e-mails.

In addition, Qatar has also reached out to unlikely allies. In January, Qatar lobbyists took Morton Klein, head of the Zionist Organization of America, first clbad to Qatar Airways, and placed him at the five-star Sheraton Grand Doha Resort for meetings with the country's leaders, according to the report.

This included a two-hour meeting, one-on-one, with Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. However, Klein continues to criticize Doha

The report indicates that the United States, closely allied with countries on both sides, found themselves in the middle and tried unsuccessfully to negotiate. Trump wants "the conflict to ease and eventually resolve because it only benefits Iran," said a spokeswoman for the US state department.

PLUS: 90 million dollars? The price Qatar would pay to comfort itself with Trump's friends media

Iran ties

Meanwhile, Qatar was the only state in the GCC that, since the beginning of the crisis, strengthened its ties with Iran. ;Iran. Reuters quoted an Iranian official who has previously served as an ambbadador to the UAE, saying Qatar has the right to choose its allies. "Instead of hoping that Washington can put in place a solution to the crisis, Qatar should establish a direct dialogue with the UAE and its neighbors," said Youssef Al Otaiba, UAE Ambbadador to the United States

]. Hill also quoted Ali Shihabi, the executive director of the Saudi base, saying that much of the negotiations around Qatar's politics would occur outside of these circles. He added: "It's something that is happening at a high level.I do not think lobbying firms can impact something like that."

who is Trump really joining the Qatar crisis?

Last Updated: Thursday, July 5, 2018 KSA 13:13 – GMT 10:13

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