MEPs join the criticism of Labor's anti-Semitism code


  Jeremy Corbyn and Shami Chakrabarti at the Inquiry on Anti-Semitism in 2016

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Activists and some Labor MPs criticized the party's new code of conduct on anti-Semitism.

The code states that "anti-Semitism is racism, it is unacceptable in our party and in society in general."

But it does not fit fully into the definition of the Anti-Semitism of the International Alliance for the Remembrance of the Holocaust.

Labor MPs Chuka Umunna, Liz Kendall and Anna Turley are among those who criticize this omission

M. Umunna tweeted that he was "utterly dismayed":

While Ms. Turley tweeted:

The Jewish Leadership Council and the Council of Deputies of the British Jews said in a joint statement that & # 39; 39; it was "impossible to understand" why Labor had not adopted the definition of IHRA in its entirety – as had the British Jewish community, governments and local councils. was approved by a sub-committee of its National Executive Committee, came after the Chakrabarti 2016 Inquiry on Anti-Semitism. It supports IHRA's working definition of anti-Semitism and includes the behaviors that it lists as likely to be considered anti-Semitic – but leaves four examples:

  • Accusing Jews to be more loyal to Israel than their country of origin [19659013Toclaimthat"theexistenceofIsraelasthestateisaforcetracist
  • Demanding higher standards of behavior on the part of Israel than from other nations
  • Comparing contemporary Israeli politics to that of the Nazis

In their joint statement, Jonathan Goldstein The Board of Directors and Marie van der Zyl from the Council of Deputies said that it was " for the Jews to determine for themselves what is anti-Semitism. "

  • How the saga of Labor Antisemitism unfolded
  • Corbyn excuses for "wounded" caused by anti-Semitism in the work

The Campaign against Labor Antisemitism has described it as a "toothless document" adding: "The Labor Party already has very little credibility as a & # 39; Anti-racist organization claimed to be. The formal adoption of this document would see any credibility remaining lost, perhaps permanently. "

But a Labor Party spokesman said:" These are the most detailed and comprehensive guidelines on anti-Semitism adopted by a political party in this country. "

" They rely on examples from the IHRA and other sources to provide practical examples of anti-Semitism that can be applied to complaints and used in programs of anti-Semitism. Political education to foster a better understanding of anti-Semitism among members. "Umunna and Turley are not the only Labor MPs to criticize the code Bbadetlaw MP John Mann tweeted:

Liz Kendall MP for Leicester West said on Twitter:

The report Chakrabarti Leader Jeremy Corbyn said in March that he acknowledged that anti-Semitism had "surfaced" in the party and that he was "sincerely sorry for the pain that was caused" and promised to "redouble efforts" to deal with it, after Jewish groups accused it of not doing enough.

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