A local artist stops a waterfall inspired by Banksy and tells his own works at the exhibition of a street artist


In 2003, street artist Banksy snuck into Tate Britain, London's prestigious modern art museum, and hanged one of his own works of art .

Fifteen years later, Tharanga Ramanayake decided to criticize a new exhibition in Toronto starring the work of Banksy

<img src = "https://images.thestar.com/Zcg36zcVE1t7_GyvaM8pZoFVrkQ=/1086×725/smart/ filters: cb (1530846219233) /https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up -own-artwork-at-street-art-artists-street_art.jpg "srcset =" https://images.thestar.com/Zcg36zcVE1t7_GyvaM8pZoFVrkQ=/1086×725/smart/filters:cb(1530846219233)/https: //www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-exhibit- of-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 1086w, https://images.thestar.com/R5EjYtun-6d5J6c91hI874TUe6U=/968×646/smart/filters: cb (1530846219233) /https://www.thestar.com/content / dam / thestar / news / gta / 2018/07/05 / local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-exhibit-of-street-artists-work / stree t_art.jpg 968w, https://images.thestar.com/_ZqZoKVHUHFIGpP7Ci2phXWPrRE=/850×567/smart/filters: cb (1530846219233) /https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018 /07/05/local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-exhibit-of-street-artists-work/street_art.jpg 850w, https: // images. thestar.com/Mp49F07NIG18P1gDj8e2iV4QR1w=/650×434/smart/filters:cb(1530846219233)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local-artist-pulls- off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 650w, https: //images.thestar.com/1cw_14cBvj5J-hjoVJDYo3Nt7SQ=/605×404/ smart / filters: cb (1530846219233) /https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs -up-own-artwork-at-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 605w, https: //images.thestar.com/SU1SaW0jT_lfySl6y3dV-klFJxA=/480×320/smart/filters: cb (1530846219233) / https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/ gta / 2018/07/05 / local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 480w, https: / /images.thestar.com/-EL8ZxKVMLSViYFtbcQVdpEEazM=/400×267/smart/filters:cb(1530846219233)/https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local- artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt-hangs-up-own-artwork-at-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 400w, https: //images.thestar.com/AY3eVpiJvQYTpeQ8mHjQL39d0cU=/ 320×214 / smart / filters: cb (1,530,846,219,233) /https://www.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2018/07/05/local-artist-pulls-off-banksy-inspired-stunt -hangs-up-own-artwork-at-street-artists-work / street_art.jpg 320w "alt =" local artist Tharanga Ramanayake stresses that people should not be charged to see the street art. 19659004] The work of local artist Tharanga Ramanayake stresses that people should not be charged with admission to see street art. ( Tharanga Ramanayake )

On Sunday, the local artist paid the $ 35 entry ticket to The Art of Banksy exhibition on Sterling Rd., Just south of Bloor St. W He outlined the possible places, and then three days later, set up his own works.

"I created this piece that had basically works of art on the wall.But then there was a street and a barricade, to stay closed, and in addition, a sign that says: $ 35 admission, "Ramanayake told the Star in an interview

" It's essentially to take stock "


A Banksy Exhibition giant arrives in Toronto

Criticism: Banksy gigantic show in Toronto misses by

] Ramanayake's 5ft by 7ft book, entitled "Free-for-All," had a plaque saying, " Theft introduces street art to the interior and makes paying an entrance fee. "

Ramanayake used a sketch of" Trolley Hunters, "a Banksy work that was stolen last month before the opening of the public exhibition.The print is a satirical image of Neanderthal men who hunt a cart.

It is said that it is the criticism of the artist on the production of food business, valued at $ 45,000.

Ramanayake's work was hanging next to the print of Rage, the flower thrower, for a few minutes before another show. the viewer saw it and alerted the security of the building.

Art was returned to Ramanayake

Danielle Iversen, a spokeswoman for the exhibition, said in a statement that the art is not street art , but that it is privately owned

that Banksy designed for exhibitions, and that he himself sold to private collectors to finance the work that he did in the field public, "said Iversen.

Banky's coup at the Tate was not the only time he removed it.

" It was clearly a tribute to Banksy, who, in 2005, would have snuck into New York Galleries, "said Iversen.

Ramanayake noted that, although he disagreed with the exhibition, he supports the idea of preserve history

"I also see what the exhibitors do; they save the art … it may not be 100 years from now, "he said. "I'm sure (Banksy) would laugh if he heard about it."

No charges have been laid against Ramanayake, and the organizers do not plan to prohibit it.

The exhibition runs until August 19.

Ilya Bañares is a late-breaking journalist working in the Star radio room in Toronto. Follow him on Twitter: @ilyaoverseas

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