Thai Rescue: What are the options to save the boys from the cave?


More rain is expected this weekend, forcing rescuers to act quickly or face even higher water levels inside cramped rooms.

Rescue is further complicated by the lack of oxygen inside the tunnels – as more and more lifeguards come in to bring supplies to the boys – which could limit the amount of time it takes to get to work. they can stay safe in the cave.

 Rescue of the cave in Thailand: Friends say that boys ignore warnings

Boys are taken out of the cave system before the rains come. Rescuers have planned to equip them with oxygen masks for the face and accompany them in a long and dangerous tunnel crossing.

Another is to find a way to reach them from above. Teams roam the jungle flanks in search of openings or chimneys that could lead to the small, dry, mud-covered slope where boys and their car stay perched above the water.

The third waits for the flood the waters disappear after the monsoon season. But it could take months and rescuers worry more and more about oxygen levels in the cramped, black room and the tunnels that lead to it.

More than 100 Navy Seals are now on the Chiang Rai site with the help of international experts. while the Thai authorities are fighting for all 13 to be saved.

Did the diver's death force him to rethink?

The loss of the old Sgt. Saman Kunan, an ex-seal who died returning from the delivery of oxygen tanks to the cave where the boys and their trainer are, hammered the difficulty of getting the group out.

It takes even up to five hours for the most experienced divers to swim in the narrow, narrow pbadages of the room where the boys are safe on the outside.

Even with full masks, the journey would be dangerous and painful. The boys, trapped in the cave system since June 23, are weak, having spent nine days without water or food until rescuers discovered them on July 2. Some do not know how to swim. This is dangerous for very experienced people and now you are planning to take people who have no experience or very little diving experience, and put them in a situation of full blackout, where they have to rely on a regulator and tanks. Anmar Mirza, a cave rescue expert and a member of the US National Cave Rescue Commission, told CNN

. Saman Kunan, an ex-seal, died Friday because of a lack of air while he was returning from the delivery of oxygen bottles.

Finnish diver Mikko Paasi, who Volunteer The site told CNN that the news of Saman's death had hit hard, but that everyone was still focused on keeping the boys alive and on their release

"You can definitely feel that this has an effect, but we continue, everyone is a professional, so we try to tidy it up and prevent it from happening again, "he said.

Does rain cause it?

The monsoon season in Thailand extends from July to October and, if the last days have been relatively dry, the long-term forecast is the rain during months

over time and now we are working against the water, "said the governor on Thursday Narongsak Osottanakorn.

Neil Bennett, chief executive and instructor of New Zealand Diving, told CNN that the rain that was coming down could cancel all the work that has been done to drain the tunnels in recent days.

The cavern system below is actually the way of evacuation of this water, so as soon as the rain accumulates in a part of the mountain system, the level of the water will increase in the caves, "he said.

"The predictions of the coming water, of the coming rain, will increase the danger for those who are in the cave system, so they will return to a more difficult situation, with very strong floods, very strong currents to fight against, and visibility will be very poor. "

The boys and their coach already know what can even make short-term rainfall. They entered the non-cavernous Tham Luang Nang complex in good weather, but were trapped when a sudden downpour flooded the narrow tunnels.

Are oxygen levels dangerously low? are, say the officials, and can be exhausted simply by people who breathe. At sea level, the normal oxygen level in the air we breathe is about 21%. At lower levels, the body struggles with stress and thought can become impaired.

  Thailand cave rescue: the health check of waiting for freedom

"If they are in less Bobby Chacon, a retired FBI special agent and former FBI dive team chief, told CNN that oxygen was insufficient for 16% or 15% oxygen , which is not the time to start diving.In the cave is the first priority, Vice Admiral Aphakorn Yoo-kongkaew said Friday.

Crews are working at the installation of 39; an oxygen pipe but this one has reached the center of underground operation, known as room 3, two kilometers (1.2 miles) to the l '; Inside the cave, said Yoo-kongkaew.The water has now dropped to levels where this room can be reached on foot – but from there it takes another two kilometers Yoo-kongkaew said how long boys can stay safe the cave had changed.

"We can not wait any more conditions (be ready) because of the oppressive situation," he said at a press conference. "Initially, we thought that young boys could stay safe inside the cave for a long time, but the circumstances have changed, we have a limited time."

  The oxygen tanks are delivered on July 1st. 19659037] Diving oxygen tanks are delivered to the cave rescue site on July 1st.

Do rescuers tend to find another way from the top? an alternative entry. But the difficult terrain and the presence of many cracks, or chimneys, make the search slow

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"In a great mountain system like this, the boys are in what we call the main cave, where all the water pbades and everything leads, Josh Morris, founder of the company's Thai Rock Climbing Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures

Researchers study geology in search of clues and look for signs of cold air that escapes through the cave. is trying to find the fireplace, drill bolts, put ropes and rappelling in different chimneys to get to the chimney … stir in the labyrinth of the cave to see if we can arrive to the main p "The key is to find the right hole. If you find the right hole, it will not take very long. It's just so you can find the right hole because they're everywhere on the hill. "

  Mountaineering experts prepare to descend into an opening in the rock face to see if there is a path leading to the cave 19659047] Expert mountaineering volunteers prepare to descend into an opening in the rock wall to study if there is a path to the cave where the boys are

Does the effort to pump water work? liters of water from the cave in an attempt to lower water levels to the extent that boys can just go out.

However, they could fight a lost battle if more rain falls because of the kind of porous rock found Inside "It's a giant sponge, so if the water rises anywhere on the water table, it affects the entire cave system," said Tim Taylor, a experienced ocean explorer and expert in underwater robotics

  wearing heavy [1965] 9042] Rescuers carry heavy water pumping equipment in Tham Luang Nang Cave on 1 July.

Yoo-Kongkaew said the teams had found several sources in the cave that they blocked.

Paasi, the Finnish volunteer diver, told CNN that conditions have become less difficult because water levels have dropped lack of sustained rain. The current is also weakened, allowing divers to move faster, he said.

Nevertheless, visibility is still zero and diving "is as technical as possible", even for professionals, he said. the pressures are also difficult. "If you lose it, you lose it," he said. "Keeping a cool head is the number one thing out there."

CNN's Kocha Olarn, Euan McKirdy, Chatima Moreau, Lauren Said-Moorhouse, and David McKenzie contributed to this report.

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