Zanu PF jobs to gogo claim, silly joke in the sea of ​​poverty


"Clearly, finding real criminals is not as easy as throwing spikes on the roads, hitting drivers at crossroads and extorting old fires at random."

Zimbabweans were happy to learn this week that President Emmerson Mnangagwa 60,000 new jobs have been created since the beginning of the year, just as the Mnangagwa claim a billion dollars US.

Twitter: @MuckrakerZim

Extensive research is underway at the national level to determine these new jobs; just as people are struggling to identify the $ 16 billion in foreign direct investment from Mnangagwa that he claims to have made.

According to the Sunday Mail, figures from the National Social Security Authority suggest that job creation is on the rise, obviously because of the stellar and clever management of Mnangagwa's economy according to them.

Thanks to repeated state media reports, all Zimbabweans must now know that our coup leader is a powerful magnet for foreign investment and financing. Investors are jostling at its doors and security is struggling to keep them at bay. They are scrambling desperately to enter the best investment destination in Africa with a 95% unemployment rate, a collapsed infrastructure, dysfunctional service delivery systems, dirty cities and poor citizens. For some strange reason, Zimbabweans seem to be blind to all these new jobs created for them. While Zanu PF creates all these jobs, ordinary Zimbabweans are behaving strangely by choosing to stay on the street as vendors, hanging around all day and some sleeping on their empty stomachs.

People choose to sell nail clippers, rat poison, chicken livers and occasional underwear instead of occupying those thousands of jobs that their benevolent government has so graciously benefited since coming to power last November. What are these people still doing in the street? Have not they read the Sunday Mail or the Herald? Do not they know that there are now jobs galore? Have not they read in The Herald that foreign investors are pouring billions of dollars into the country?

Day dreamers

Speaking of The Herald, the MDC Alliance's presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa, was surprised to learn by the newspaper this week that it was not a big deal. was returned to Dubai.

There, it was said by the newspaper, Chamisa held a meeting with former President Robert Mugabe, the deposed dictator The Herald used for hero worship. We were told that both had had discussions on an electoral agreement and had even discussed a new cabinet in a government led by Chamisa.

What is most fascinating in this story is not that Chamisa traveled to Dubai. It is the fact that Chamisa traveled there without his knowledge. This is because, according to Chamisa, and his own social media, he had traveled to Israel for a personal visit, via Addis Ababa. But it seems now, since The Herald is the only document that no one can doubt, that somewhere between this Chamisa trip went to Dubai, met with Uncle Bob, quickly discussed names to put in a cabinet 20 members, and all that.

But there was more shock for Chamisa. Not only did he discover that he had traveled unknowingly, but it also turned out that he owned a business that he did not know. The Messenger usefully revealed to Chamisa that he was not a mere lawyer, but an entrepreneur who has "business ties" with unidentified Mugabe.

Imagine that Chamisa has to explain to his family how he has hidden a whole business from them all these years. We know that Chamisa is a serious talented man, including the resolution of cash shortages in a week, but being in two places at the same time and managing a secret affair even seems beyond him.

Mind games

Two people not celebrating this week are Douglas Musekiwa and John Zulu. The duo was arrested last week because he was suspected of being involved in the attack on White City Stadium.
They were brought to justice and, according to some witnesses, had difficulty walking. We have already seen, is not it? We can only hope that it was not because the government, in a momentary period of concentration, had dropped its mask of "new dispensation".

The two men were subsequently released without charge, obviously because those who arrested them had done so without proof. The repression in the old Mugabe to stop investigating. It turns out that both were kombi touts of Pumula. The police should just go out there and catch the real culprits. Let them show us that they can actually do their job.

Here is your chance to shine, ZRP. Do real work for a change if the army allows you. Many people can see what is happening here. We follow the tragic tragedy closely; someone needs to get to the bottom of things. Clearly, finding real criminals is not as easy as throwing spikes on the roads, surprising drivers at traffic intersections and extorting money from old female drivers. .


The 31st Ordinary Session of the African Union Summit in Mauritania decided that the continent should build strong institutions to fight corruption and share vital information related to operations unions of corruption.

Never missing an opportunity to launch Mnangagwa, The Herald found this gem: "The summit joined the new regime of President Mnangagwa who declared zero tolerance to corruption."

was exposed for the hogwash that it is by none other than former energy minister Samuel Undenge. Undenge. Undenge, who appeared before magistrate Hosea Mujaya, was put on his defense after his release request was rejected last week pointed out that it was a mockery to stop him for just writing a letter for voluntary work, while the corrupt elements the real criminals "went without problem."

The criminals to whom Undenge was referring are – surprise, surprise – in the Mnangagwa office.

"The State Witness Ray Ndhlukula (deputy chief secretary of the president's office) told the court that he had written a letter awarding a multi-million dollar public fund contract to Marry Chiwenga without a call for tenders. Said company was not even registered, it is clearly of corruption, your worship. . . It's a mockery to the public, your worship, "said Undenge.

So much for the claims that Mnangagwa is a paragon of virtue when such corrupt activities, not in a government ministry, but in his office. What stinking hypocrisy of a man who proclaims ad nauseam that he is now leading the country into a new dispensation.

Shortsighted populism of Chiwenga elections

You know that the election season is fast approaching when Zanu PF begins to tell people do not have to pay their bills.

In 2013, Ignatius Chombo woke up and decided that we should all live in the city for free, without paying any rate. He ordered that all debts be canceled. The city of Harare and many other urban councils have never recovered from this financial harm, hence the nightmare of service delivery. Last weekend, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga showed us how easy we all forget.

At a meeting of Zanu PF, the Vice President said that the city of Harare did not provide basic services, such as water, roads and garbage collection. This was happening as residents remained dedicated to paying their rates to the council, he said.

He was talking to Hatcliffe, an area that testifies to his government's total failure on land-use planning, was completely lost on Chiwenga. There is no running water and there are hardly any roads to speak of. This is the kind of place where greedy politicians sink shallow wells and, in the manner of Chinamasa, cut ribbons among the wild ululations of their desperate victims. The land barons, whom Zanu PF claims to dislike, run the colonies on behalf of the ruling party. But thank Chiwenga. This is good news. If we do not have to pay the board because it does not provide services, we can also not pay tax to the government until it starts delivering what we we pay.

Former Minister of Higher Education Jonathan Moyo, an ex-friend of the retired general, tweeted about Chiwenga's shocking remarks: "Old dispensation: Chombo erases rates, pre- poll in July 2013. New waiver: Chiwenga says not to pay rates, pre-ballot July 2018. The book of the new dispensation is the Old Testament … Damn crooks! "

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