I am on the GOP side until Schumer restores "health and honesty" to his party


A long-time Democratic lawmaker in the state of New York said Thursday that he would support the Republican Party until the leader of the Senate minority, Chuck Schumer, could "reinstate" the health and honesty "of the Democratic Party. Brooklyn lashed out at Schumer's attacks on President Donald Trump's "human rights program," which was part of a fund-raising appeal by the Senate's top democrat

"Senator Schumer, in your letter promises to fight for democratic values, to vilify fully the current administration, but you have omitted certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of, " Hikind wrote in a Facebook post

Low unemployment, including the lowest historical records for minorities, economic confidence at a 17-year high, and US energy dominance

Democrat Hikind responds to Schumer's call for donations with "Hell No!"

Slam counters do not "hard good agenda" with uncomfortable truths on "hard left" https://t.co/En61esBjZJ pic.twitter.com/NknWc4VtUA

– Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) July 5, 2018

TREND: We make a mistake by letting too many people forget The statement of Independence

Hikind added that Trump tax cuts benefit tens of millions of middle-clbad Americans

Hikind, who is of Jewish origin, also praised the decision of the Trump administration to move the US Embbady to Jerusalem and the current "remarkable relationship" between Israel and the United States

In addition, he welcomed the President's decision to withdraw the United States of America Iranian nuclear agreement.

"You are asking for a contribution, but the Democratic Party is a life member of – is betraying the ideals our party once defended: American values," wrote Hikind

Do you agree that the Democratic Party went too far to the left?

He continued: Ellison is leading the party, but you must surely know that Ellison has been lined up with Louis Farrakhan, the hate leader of our nation. "

The Member concluded:" Senator Schumer, as a Democrat, I ask you to work to restore health and honesty to our party, so I can feel good about supporting him fully. Until then, I am afraid that Republicans have my support. "

Hikind, who does not seek re-election, was not afraid to break ranks with the party in the past.

In 1994, he endorsed Republican George Pataki over Democrat Mario Cuomo, who narrowly lost his bid to serve a fourth term as governor of the Empire State.

Hikind also supported George W. Bush, Senator John McCain, and the former Governor of Mbadachusetts Mitt Romney on Their Democrat Opponents

Legislature cited the lack of support for former President Barack Obama to Israel as a reason he could not support his candidacy.

Trump won the district Hikind's Brooklyn with 69% of the vote in 2016 to 28% of Hillary Clinton's

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