IAF strikes because of the leader of the cell flying incendiary kites and balloons


The Israel Air Force targeted two cells launching incendiary balloons in the Southern Gaza Strip on Sunday night the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said in a statement on Sunday.

"In recent days, the IDF warned and carried out several attacks in Israel. These are terror attacks that endanger the residents of southern Israel, "the statement said.

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"The IDF is determined to continue acting with increasing strength against these phenomena, for a long time and a variety of tools. The Hamas terrorist organization is responsible for everything that happens in the Gaza strip, and it will suffer the consequences. "

Palestinian media reported that the vehicle, attacked by the IAF early Sunday morning in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood east of Gaza City, was empty.

السيارة التي استهدفتها طائرات الاستطلاع "الإسرائيلية" في حي الشجاعية شرق مدينة غزة, فجر اليوم.

– المركز الفلسطيني للإعلام ()

Gazans have been protesting along with the borderline of Israel in the United States of America. Flying bombiary kites into Israeli territory, destroying over 2,500 acres of forest, nature reserves and agricultural fields.

On Thursday reports out of Gaza said that Palestinians towards Israel to mark Eid al-Fitr.

The group calls itself "The Sons of Zouari "- referring to Hamas's chief drone expert and engineer Muhammad Zouari, who was badbadinated in Tunisia in an operation blamed on the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence agency in 2016. the Gaza Strip.

Despite that threat, Palestinians congregating at Israel-Gaza fence s March 1965

Amid the ongoing launching of fierce firefighting in Gaza and high temperatures, more than 20 fires broke out across the South on Saturday. On Sunday, over 20 fires were ignited, with teams of firefighters battling the blazes.

Israeli airspace. But it's a question of military officials who have been told that they will not be able to do anything more than just firing warning shots.

drone strikes near residents of the Gaza Strip who were preparing and launching incendiary balloons and kites into Israel. According to the Health Ministry in Gaza, one strike on Saturday wounded two Palestinians.

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