Terrorists who participated in the brutal killing of Israeli soldiers in 2000 were honored as "heroic" by PA TV | Jns


In October 2000, two Israeli reserve soldiers, Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami, accidentally entered Ramallah. They were lynched by a Palestinian mob who savagely murdered and mutilated their bodies. Many people remember the following photo of one of the Palestinian murderers happily displaying his bloody hands to the frantic Palestinian crowd.

Three of the Palestinians who participated in the killings and are imprisoned in Israel were recently honored by the Palestinian TV Authority in an episode. of Giants of Endurance – a program on terrorist prisoners. While visiting the families of Habib Bayyoud, Muhammad Nawarah and Jawad Abu Qara, the AP reporter described each of them as "heroic". A sister of one of the murderers also pointed out that his brother was raising his head and feeling proud ":

Sister of the terrorist Muhammad Nawarah:
" Muhammad is a handsome guy and makes some proud. I am proud to have a brother like Muhammad … Thanks to him, we raise our heads and we are proud … "
Official Host of Television:
" I am with the family of the heroic prisoner Habbes Bayyoud … We are now at the home of the heroic prisoner Muhammad Nawarah … "

Host TV of the PA: " We are now at the home of the heroic prisoner Jawad Abu Qara … "

[OfficialPATV Giants of Endurance 16 June 2018]

As documented Palestinian Media Watch, these murderers are not only honored by the PA in words.After their arrest, the AP generously rewarded each of them with a salary as stipulated in the law on PA. Their wages , in June 2018, reached a combined total of NZ 2,023,600 ($ 583,606).
See PMW's full report here. [196] 59009] / * [ad_2]
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