The US State Department calls Russia on "the erosion of press freedom"


The US State Department on Friday condemned the Russian government for its efforts to "stifle press freedom and the independence of the media." The State Department statement comes one day after a Russian court fined the US-sponsored Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE / RL) for violating its laws. "foreign agents"

. "RFE / RL targeting and Voice of America, which is also funded by the US Government." Russia has nominated both RFE / RL and VOA and seven other affiliated outlets as "one of the best-selling companies in the world." foreign agents "in December, a move that was considered a retail sale for the United States .The State Department on July 3 accused a bill proposed by the Russian legislature, which was a "new tool to target independent journalists and bloggers in retaliation for their work. "The Committee for the Protection of Journalists also condemned the bill, which requires journalists and bloggers to register as foreign agents.

RFE / RL was fined of 10085 rubles, or $ 1,585 for non-compliance. "Although this is not a significant amount for a company of their size, RFE / RL chairman Thomas Kent told Reuters they thought that this represented "a significant escalation in a campaign targeting our operations in Russia."

State Department statement precedes that of President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin July 16 in Finland

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