An Abbas advisor compares Israeli security at Temple Mount to Nazism, to the inquisition


A religious affairs advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas compared Israeli security measures for Muslims on the Temple Mount to those used against Jews during the same period. 39 Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust.

In a speech last week on Palestine TV, Mahmoud Habbash lamented the restrictions on access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is located on the sacred site known to the Arabs as Haram al-Aqsa. Sharif.

"There are roadblocks, restrictions, road closures, road closures and age restrictions … People under 40 do not have the right to pray, "Habbash explained. Institute.

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"Dear God, what is it? In what age do we live ?," said Habbash, also the supreme judge of the Palestinian Authority. "At the time of the Inquisition, are they trying to do to others what has been done to them in the ghettos, in the courts of the Inquisition or in the Nazi courts? Is It Not the Inquisition? "

" It's an Israeli Zionist Inquisition that attempts to undermine the human dignity and dignity of religious beliefs and human faith in God, "he said. concluded the official. 19659008] Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas listens on Friday to a sermon by Dr. Habbash at the presidential seat in Ramallah. (Courtesy: Screenshot of YouTube Screen)

The Temple Mount houses the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and is considered the third most sacred site of Islam. It is the most sacred place of Judaism, revered by Jews as the location of Jewish temples.

According to the current arrangement instituted by Israel after taking the old city of Jerusalem in 1967, the site remains under Jordan's religious guard. Jews are allowed to visit the compound according to the existing arrangements, but they are forbidden from worship or prayer.

Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement in 1994, but relations have long been cold.

Palestinian Muslims – Please pray near the Dome of the Rock at the Al-Aqsa Mosque / Temple Mount, the third most sacred site of Islam, in the Old City of Jerusalem on June 15, 2018. (AFP PHOTO / AHMAD GHARABLI)

The sacred site was the subject of a major crisis between the Israeli authorities, the Palestinians and Jordan over the security measures taken at the entrances to the complex. Metal detectors and cameras were installed following a deadly attack in which three Arab Israelis left the site and shot dead two Israeli policemen using weapons that had been smuggled into Mount Sinai. Temple. Early last year, Habbash warned that the Trump administration plans – since made – to move the US Embbady to Jerusalem were "a declaration of war to all Muslims". = function () {
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