Comparing Enanta Pharmaceuticals (ENTA) and KITOV PHARMA LT / S (KTOV)


KITOV PHARMA LT / S (NASDAQ: KTOV) and Enanta Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ENTA) are both medical companies, but what is the top business? We will compare the two companies based on the strength of their valuation, badyst recommendations, risk, profitability, earnings, institutional ownership and dividends.

Analyst Notes

This is a summary of the current ratings and price targets for KITOV PHARMA LT / S and Enanta Pharmaceuticals, provided by MarketBeat.

Rating of the rating Clbadification of Notations Buy Evaluations Notes Strong Clbadification
KITOV PHARMA LT / S 0 0 1 0 3.00
Enanta Pharmaceuticals 0 3 3 0 2.50

KITOV PHARMA LT / S currently has a consensus target price of 12 , $ 50, suggesting a potential upside of 418.67%. Enanta Pharmaceuticals has a consensus target price of $ 79.17, suggesting a downside potential of 36.82%. Given KITOV PHARMA LT / S's highest consensual rating and its higher upside potential, equity badysts clearly believe that KITOV PHARMA LT / S is more favorable than Enanta Pharmaceuticals.

Insider & Institutional Ownership

0.2% of KITOV PHARMA LT / S shares held by institutional investors. Comparatively, 76.2% of Enanta Pharmaceuticals shares are held by institutional investors. 3.0% of KITOV PHARMA LT / S shares are held by insiders. Comparatively, 10.6% of the shares of Enanta Pharmaceuticals are owned by insiders. Strong institutional ownership indicates that hedge funds, large fund managers and endowments believe that one stock will outperform the market over the long term.

Risk & Volatility

KITOV PHARMA LT / S displays a beta of 2.88 The price of the stock is 188% more volatile than the S & P 500. Comparatively, Enanta Pharmaceuticals has a beta of 1 , 01, indicating that its share price is 1% more volatile than the S & P 500.

Earnings and valuation

Revenue, earnings per share and valuation of PHARMA LT / S and Enanta Pharmaceuticals

Gross Income Price / Sales Ratio Net Income Earnings Per Equity Price / Earnings Ratio [19659009] KITOV PHARMA LT / S N / A ] N / A – $ 12.27 million ($ 1.30) -1.85
Enanta Pharmaceuticals $ 102.81 million 23.49 ] $ 17.71 million $ 0.91 137.69

Enanta Pharmaceuticals have higher revenues and profits than KITOV PHARMA LT / S. KITOV PHARMA LT / S trades at a r atio price / earnings lower than that of Enanta Pharmaceuticals, indicating that it is currently the most affordable of the two actions.


This table compares net margins, return on equity and return on badets of KITOV PHARMA LT / S and Enanta Pharmaceuticals

Net Margins Return on Equity [19659005] Return on Assets
Enanta Pharmaceuticals 31.60% 18.50% 17.30%


Enanta Pharmaceuticals defeats KITOV PHARMA LT / S on 10 out of 13 factors compared between the two stocks


 KITOV PHARMA LT / S logo "title =" KITOV PHARMA LT / S logo "clbad =" companylogo "/> Kitov Pharma Ltd., through its subsidiaries, is a biopharmaceutical development company in Israel that develops combination drugs for the pharmaceutical industry. Simultaneous treatment of pain caused by osteoarthritis and hypertension. Candidate is K IT-302, a fixed-dose combination product based on the generic drugs celecoxib and amlodipine be sylate that has completed its Phase III clinical study. He is also developing NT219, a small molecule that targets two pathways involved in resistance to anticancer drugs. The company was formerly known as Kitov Pharmaceuticals Holdings Ltd. and changed its name to Kitov Pharma Ltd in January 2018. Kitov Pharma Ltd was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel. </p>
<p><strong style= About d & # 39; Enanta Pharmaceuticals [19659023] [19459027EnantaPharmaceuticalslogo"title="LogoEnantaPharmaceuticals"clbad="companylogo"/>EnantaPharmaceuticalsIncunesociétédebiotechnologieseconcentresurladécouverteetledéveloppementdemédicamentsàpetitesmoléculespourletraitementdesinfectionsviralesetdesmaladiesdufoieetledéveloppementseconcentresurlesciblesdelamaladie:virusdel&#39;hépatiteBstéatohépatitenonalcooliquecholangitebiliaireprimitiveetvirusrespiratoiresyncytialIlaconcluunaccorddedéveloppementetdelicenceavecAbbottLaboratoriespouridentifierdévelopperetcommercialiserlaprotéaseNS3etNS3/4AduVHCcomposésinhibiteursycomprisleparitapreviretleglecaprevirpourletraitementduvirusdel&#39;hépatiteCchronique

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