The story is not for sale – Haaretz Editorial – Israel News


There are still a lot of unknowns about the behind-the-scenes events regarding the Israeli-Polish declaration aimed at ending the crisis between the two countries and amending the so-called law on terrorism. Holocaust. What is clear is that even though on paper the diplomatic crisis is over, the way in which it was resolved has created additional crises, no less serious, that can not be swept away by the deceptive document signed by the Prime Ministers of Israel and Poland.

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The joint statement reached exactly the opposite of what it intended to do. Instead of reconciling the two sides and easing tensions, this has caused divisions and led to a lack of mutual trust. Even before the minutes of the meetings devoted to this question are revealed, it is clear that the preparations made before the publication took place in an amateurish way. It seems that someone in Israel has tried to "make a deal" at any price, even at the cost of offending the memory of the victims and survivors of the Holocaust.

There are not many words to explain the significance of the dramatic step of Yad Vashem, the world's largest Holocaust research institute, which unequivocally rejected the statement. This was done with the signature of Professor Havi Dreifuss, specialist in the history of the Holocaust in Poland. His recent book in Hebrew "Warsaw Ghetto – The End" describes the isolation of Jews in the ghetto in flagrant contradiction with the spirit of the joint statement, which states that the underground and the government in exile make great efforts to help the Jews.

Even the greatest Polish historians have rejected the declaration. One of them, Professor Jan Grabowski, author of the book "The Hunt for Jews", said that it distorts the history of the Holocaust, adding that the historical truth has been a victim of politics and diplomacy.

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This is not the first time we find Benjamin Netanyahu rewriting history for political purposes. Two and a half years ago, he made loud noises when he claimed that the Mufti of Jerusalem was the one who had planted in the spirit of Hitler the idea of ​​annihilating the Jews. . Netanyahu must stop trading in history as if it were his personal property.

Rather than bog down into controversial questions and clumsy attempts to decide the issues at the heart of vital historical research, it would be better to publish a document that leaves the work to historians on both sides, in the midst of calls to countries. In the current state of affairs, it may be better for the parties to turn away from this sensitive and complex issue and "agree to disagree".

In any case, the statement is not binding historically or ethically so long as it has not yet been approved by the cabinet or brought to the Knesset for debate, or has been received Yad Vashem's approval.

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