Israeli legislator ends a 25-day hunger strike to raise the tobacco tax in bulk


An Israeli legislator put an end to a 25-day hunger strike that he organized to convince the Knesset to adopt a bulk tobacco tax to equate it with that on the cigarettes.

Yehudah Glick announced Saturday night on Twitter and Facebook, it would end the hunger strike "not to harm my health and follow the many calls from my family and my partners in this fight, "but added:" the struggle will continue. " 196519004] Glick also said that in the coming days he will meet Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, who, according to Glick, invited him to meet and discuss the matter, saying: "J & # 39; hope that we will deal with it in a meaningful way. " The cigarette tax is more than three times higher than the bulk tobacco tax.

Glick announces his hunger strike June 11 from the Knesset podium, after asking for a moment of silence for 3,000 Israelis he said he was killed by tobacco-related diseases since the beginning of the year, his hunger strike began the day next, the day of the smoking ban of the Knesset. [1945ילהימנעמפגיעהבבריאותיולאחרשקיבלתיפניותרבותמבנימשפחתיומשפחתותפיילמאבקהחלטתילאחר25יוםלהפסיקאתשביתתהרעב
המאבק יימשך.
בימים הקרובים אפגש עם ר האוצר שזימן אותי לפגישה ואני מקווה שנדון בנושא עניפןונ ולא תחת לחצים פוליטיים או אחרים. Https://

– yehudah glick (@YehudahGlick) July 7, 2018

In May, the Knesset approved the crackdown on smoking in public places, including concerts, event halls, sports venues, zoos and car parks, although the Knesset was exempted. Following the crackdown, Health Minister Yaakov Litzman released figures showing that 22.5 percent of all Israelis over the age of 18 smoked. Litzman also promised to seek to raise taxes on rolling tobacco.

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