Ministers block efforts to ban tobacco advertising – Israel News



(Photo credit: INGIMAGE / ASAP)


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The Ministerial Committee on Legislation postponed a vote on bills banning cigarette advertising, even though the bills had already been pbaded by the Knesset Economics Committee. MP Yehuda Glick on Sunday accused ministers of harming the health of the public at the request of cigarette manufacturers. Glick said the ministers had posted the chutzpa by stifling the bills backed by the Ministry of Health. "The government of Israel serves the tobacco companies and gives them up," said Glick, who ended a 25-day hunger strike. The finance minister said the government was "addicted to working for tobacco companies."

"Eight thousand Israelis die each year of smoking, but our Children will continue to hear that it is cool to smoke commercials," complained Cabel

The ministerial committee presented another Bill that would require educational institutions to have in their premises an epinephrine auto-injector to treat allergic emergencies.The bill is expected to be pbaded in the Knesset on Monday.

The committee has also introduced a bill that would progressively ban the import of live calves and sheep for slaughter over the next three years.The bill was proposed by Likud MP Miki Zohar, supported by the coalition and opposition MPs, and promoted by the anonymous rights groups for animal rights and Let the Animals Live

the public supported it. Benjamin Ne Tanyahu praised the bill on his Facebook page after the vote.

"We have an obligation to make a real change to stop the damage to animals," Netanyahu said.

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