»Israeli Parliament to Propose Bill to Allow Jews to Buy Lands – IMEMC News


The Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation, was to consider Sunday a bill that would allow Jews to acquire land rights in the occupied West Bank.

The bill was proposed by Bezalel Smotrich, a member of the Israeli Knesset. It aims to strengthen Jewish property rights in "Judea and Samaria" by granting land ownership rights to all.

The purpose of the bill is to amend a 1953 law that only allows Jordanian and Arab citizens to purchase property in the occupied territories of the West Bank.

The law remained in force for 51 years, but in the 1970s a loophole was found, in which Jewish citizens were allowed to buy property by a company registered in the West Bank.

The Smotrich Bill would allow any non-Arab or foreign citizen to purchase property directly in Area C without acquiring property rights through a registered West Bank company. .

Ma & # 39; a year reports that According to Haaretz, Smotrich's explanation about the bill indicates that it is "unacceptable" that Israeli citizens be prevented from buying property in Judea and Samaria, simply because of their citizenship

. the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Israeli authorities divide the West Bank into zones A, B and C. Zone A, comprising Palestinian populated cities constituting 18% of the West Bank, will be controlled by the Palestinian Authority. 39; newly formed AP, while Zone B remained under the control of the Israeli army with the PA controlling civil affairs.

Zone C, the majority of the West Bank, however, has been under Israeli military control and contains the majority of natural resources and open spaces.

According to the Oslo Accords, Israeli-controlled land should be progressively transferred to the Palestinian Authority over a period of five years. Yet two decades later, the land remained under Israeli control.
Area C, along with East Jerusalem, was the site of rapid Israeli settlement expansions in violation of international law, while Israel's separation wall divided Palestinian communities and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. from Gaza were even banned from visiting what was supposed to be their capital.

According to Palestinians and rights groups, Israel's overall goal, both in its policies in Zone C and in Israel. The settlement enterprise is to depopulate the land of its Palestinian residents and replace them with Jewish Israeli communities in order to manipulate the demographics of all of historic Palestine.

(Al Ray image archive)

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