Israeli Arab man sentenced for plot to attack Islamic Movement – Israel News


The Beer Sheva District Court sentenced an Islamic Movement activist (North Branch) to eight years in prison for planning a terrorist attack.

Firas Alomari was convicted in a plea bargain in which he admitted to conspiring to help an enemy in time of war and to promote and support an illegal organization.

Alomari was also convicted of several charges of weapons. The court also imposed a one-year suspended sentence and fined him 10,000 shekels ($ 2,760).

Alomari, of Sandala village, in the north of the country, is reportedly planning an attack on Jews and IDF soldiers after the organization he was a member of was banned three years ago .

In addition to his activities with the movement, Alomari led a non-profit group called "The Just Joseph", which deals with Palestinian prisoner issues.

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According to the Alomar indictment, along with two other people, Mohammed Masri and Mahmoud Luwaisi, examined potential sites to carry out the attack, including a police station in Arad and a bus stop at junction Arad and Dimona.

In addition, in 2016, Alomari received a bag containing remote control devices from Luwaisi. These were intended to activate improvised explosive devices. Alomari gave Luwaisi a Carl Gustav (Carlo) submachine gun that was seized by the police during their investigation.

The Israeli security cabinet decided to ban the northern branch of the Islamic Movement in 2015.

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