New earthquakes shake northern Israel in the midst of seismic activity


A series of small earthquakes shook Sunday North Galilee region of Israel, Sunday, triggering several evacuations.

The first, measuring 3.1 on the Richter scale and hitting around 11 pm, was followed by a magnitude quake of 3.3 an hour later.

The city of Tiberias, in the north of the country, opened an emergency telephone line and several apartment buildings were evacuated.

There were no injuries or injuries. Last week raised fears of a bigger and impending earthquake.

Earlier Sunday, the first minor earthquake of magnitude 3.2 on the Richter scale struck the same area.

No damage has been reported, according to the Geophysical Institute. 19659002] The region experienced a total of six earthquakes accompanied by a series of aftershocks. The series of shocks last week has focused on preparing Israel for potentially more devastating earthquakes in the future.

Thursday afternoon, a magnitude 3.1 earthquake rocked the Galilee region. These shocks occurred just hours after another slightly more powerful 4.3 earthquake on the Richter scale hit Wednesday night in the same area, with jolts that would have been felt by the Geofon earthquake. across the land of the Dead Sea in Tel Aviv, as well as in Jordan and Lebanon.

Earlier Wednesday morning, another magnitude 4.1 earthquake struck four kilometers deep in the Sea of ​​Galilee north around 4:50 am local time (0150 GMT), said the Israel Geophysical Institute, with shocks felt in northern Israel and the coastal region of Haifa. There was no incident of damage caused by the incidents.

Israel is located along the Syrian-African rift line that runs along the border between Israel and Jordan. It is part of the Great Rift Valley, encompbading the northern region of Syria in Mozambique.

Earthquakes in the region were felt periodically in Israel, but the country largely avoided a major disaster.

The earthquake in Israel dates back to 1927, when a magnitude 6.2 earthquake shook the region, killing 500 people and injuring 700.

The Israeli government began funding preparation for earthquakes in anticipation of a larger earthquake. 19659002] In 2016, disaster specialists warned a parliamentary panel that Israel was not ready to absorb the number of human casualties and the pecuniary damages that a major disaster could cause.

Investigators from Sackler School of Emergency Management The medical school found that the average Israeli is not prepared for a natural disaster either, especially in terms of personal and professional preparation, and the acquisition of essential equipment.

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