The government advertising agency stops censoring women haredi


The Government Advertising Agency (Lapam) announced Sunday that it would stop censoring women in its publications intended for the Haredi sector
following protests by feminist groups.

In December 2017, the Ministry of Social Equality launched an Israeli photographic database aimed at representing all sectors of society in government publications. The database presented images of Israeli families by Jewish, Arab and Druze sectors.

However, as reported by Ynet, the photos of the haredi sector did not include women
at all. Images from a Shabbat table, for example, completely excluded women from appearing, including mothers or sisters.

  Announcement of Censorship of Women (Photo: Lapam)

Announcement of Censorship of Women (Photo: Lapam)

Immediately after publication, the Ministry of Social Equality announced that be changed to include women.

In addition, feminist activists turned to Deputy Attorney General Dina Silber and the director of the Government Advertising Agency, demanding the end of the exclusion of women from government publications. After discussions on the subject, the director of the agency announced the new policy.

"The Government Advertising Agency and the Ministry of Justice agree that the exclusion of women from the public sphere is a serious and unacceptable phenomenon, and that women should not be excluded from advertising Government for the haredi population "a statement issued by the agency.

"As such, Lapam will not make any adjustments to publications aimed at the haredi sector that discriminate between women and men, and if the media refuse to publish the advertisement, the publication will not be published. not disseminated by this source ".

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