»Israeli soldiers set up tent on Hebron lands – IMEMC News


Israeli soldiers invaded the area of ​​Wad al-Hbadeen, east of Hebron city in the southern West Bank, on Monday, and set up a military tent on one side of the city. Private Palestinian near the site where the army

Several army jeeps surrounded the land, near 4 Dunams owned by members of the Jaber family, before the soldiers set up the tent, near the illegal colony of Keryat Arba.

Mobile homes near the new military base, illegally installed on the Jaber family's lands last month.

Palestinians fear that the tent and mobile homes will be prepared to establish a new colonialist outpost, especially since Keryat Arba. , and on a path used by illegal colonial colonists to reach the historic Ibrahimi mosque.

They also fear that the new outpost will be permanently confiscated, and linked to Keryat Arba.

In addition, the soldiers handed over a house demolition order, in addition to delivering another order for the removal of mobile homes, used as a makeshift school in the Masafer Yatta area, south of # 39; Hebron.

Also Monday, the soldiers invaded Barta. an ash-Sharqiya town, west of Jenin, in the northern West Bank, and summoned the owners of twelve Palestinian homes and five shops, to be interviewed in Beit El, near Ramallah, in the center of West Bank, for construction without a permit.

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