Faced with the backlash of Polish Holocaust law, the PM promises to "speak up" | News from the world


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday discussed the controversy over his joint statement with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki last week on an amendment to controversial Polish law on the Holocaust

which forbids anyone from taking part in the war. accuse Poland of complicity in Nazi crimes. The Second World War, initially accompanied by a term of imprisonment, was reduced as a result of Israeli and world pressures. The amended version of the law removes the threat of criminal sanctions, but leaves anyone perceived as being in violation of the law open to civil action.

In a joint statement with the Polish Prime Minister, Netanyahu supported the amended version, triggering broad condemnation. Many in Israel felt that the joint statement, and indeed the law itself, was full of historical distortions.

"I have heard historians' comments, and I respect them and I will give them a voice," Netanyahu told the weekly cabinet meeting Sunday, responding to the backlash.

"The aim of raising awareness the Polish government was to repeal the criminal clauses of the Polish law, which posed a threat to research and free dialogue on the Holocaust," said the Prime Minister.

"This goal has been achieved I thank the team of [advisers] Joseph Ciechanover and Yaakov Nagel, who managed to remove the criminal aspects of the Polish law," Netanyahu

Netanyahu said. stated that his joint statement with his Polish counterpart following the amendments to the law had been re-read by an eminent historian. However, he said, the statement met with various critics.

"I have listened very carefully to the historians' comments, especially on the things that have been excluded from the statement, I respect him and will talk about it," he said. 19659002] On Thursday, the Yad Vashem Memorial of the Israeli Holocaust attacked the joint statement, claiming that it contained "serious and misleading errors"

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