Everyone loves to eat: the creator of "Raymond & # 39; Phil Rosenthal talks about food, his friends, and the second season of "Somebody Feed Phil".


Everyone loves to eat: the creator of "Raymond & # 39; Phil Rosenthal talks about food, his friends, and the second season of "Somebody Feed Phil".

Netflix (NEW YORK) – Netflix subscribers finally could second help from Everyone loves Raymond creator Philosophy of Phil Rosenthal Someone nurtures Phil this weekend.

The season of sophomores has Phil making his way through exotic locales like Mexico City, Copenhagen, Buenos Aires, Dublin – and his hometown of New York.

For Rosenthal, his love of food began as soon as he left home. "The kitchen was not my mother's outfit, she's fantastic in every other department, but she had a setting on her oven for SHOE," he jokes ABC Radio. .. I thought the steak was something terrible – because it was at my place … and until I went to a real New York steak house and I got it I saw in my twenties, I told myself: "It's steak!" It was as if my mind had exploded! "

Rosenthal says food : "It's the right connector, is not it? And for me, the laughter is the cement … I think that if you and I eat, we are not already killing us. And then, if we share a smile or a laugh, then we are friends. "

Despite the worldwide fame of his award-winning sitcom, Rosenthal is not recognizable to most, and he tells ABC Radio that he has enjoyed a bit of anonymity." do not know who I am. They ask me: "Hey, what are you filming?" So, I have to compose things like Conan or Jimmy Kimmel, when he goes [places] they all know who he is. But I have to do things! I told a woman. Do you see this show The Bachelor? She says, "Yeah." I said, "I'm the new bachelor!" And she looks up at me, she says, "Good luck with that." And she walks away, he remembers laughing

. ] Rosenthal brought back a fan favorite for season 2: Skyping with his parents. Their addition was born from his documentary entitled Raymond Exporting on the adaptation of his show for the Russian public

"[M] were parents in New York and the Russian Skyped family with them " he says. "It was the funniest part of the movie … so I remembered that when we had the show … I'm not an idiot, I know what's funny, and they're funny They are the hit of the show! People say to me, "Oh, we love your show, we love your parents!" What am I saying, "Why am I moving somewhere else? to sit in the kitchen with them? "

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