Minor earthquakes no indication big comes


The series of earthquakes that have hit northern Israel in recent days continues to destabilize citizens, but among the experts there are those who claim that this is not an indication of the 39, a major earthquake. Nevertheless, experts suggest, since we can not predict when the next big earthquake will strike, we must be prepared.

The last major earthquake was recorded Sunday around 4:30 pm in the Kinneret area. The head of the Seismology Division of the Institute of Geophysics, Dov Zakosky, noted that the quake measured 3.9 on the Richter scale, at a depth of 2.5 miles. The epicenter was about 5 miles northeast of Tiberias.

Four other tremors have been reported in recent days: a tremor of 3.0 was reported shortly after 14h Sunday, two minor tremors were felt Sunday night (3.2 and 3.1), and an earthquake of 3.3 was felt Sunday morning at 12: 42h, all in the region of the Sea of ​​Galilee.

   (Photo: Shutterstock)

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Dr. Avi Shapira, seismologist and lecturer at the Emergency Management Program of the University of Haifa, recalls that such shocks have already been felt in the region: in 2013 in the Sea of ​​Galilee, in 2008 in southern Lebanon and between 1990 and earthquakes in the Gulf of Eilat.

"We know the activity of what is called the Great Syrian-African Fault … there is a constant high pressure and a strong friction, so from time to time the pressure overcomes the friction and an earthquake occurs, occurs regularly throughout this fault, from Turkey to East Africa. "

According to Dr. Shapira, "nothing clearly indicates that such a sequence of earthquakes necessarily results in a large-scale earthquake." Statistically speaking, there are places in the world where the probability increases. happen, but you can not exclude the possibility that it can happen. "

  Dr. Avi Shapira

Dr. Avi Shapira

For now, adds the expert, we can prepare by practicing the instructions of the Home Front Command: stay, if possible, in open spaces or in a security room (the door must be left open), coming out the stairs, and more. In addition, Israeli residents should keep a copy of important documents – driving licenses, medicine lists, identity documents, etc. – on them.

"The instructions of the Home Front Command have been carefully prepared, and they save the life, it is time to review the procedures, starting with the individual, the community, the neighborhood, the municipality and the units that need to intervene, be it civilian rescue forces or IDF, "said Dr. Shapira.

  Earthquakes in Israel

Earthquakes in Israel

"We are pretty sure that houses built to the standards, certainly those built in the 1990s, will not collapse. Even those built before the 1990s are built to the standards, so there may be some damage, but the houses will certainly not collapse, "added Dr. Shapira


According to Dr. Yariv Hamiel, Director of the Geological Hazards and Geological Engineering Division of the Geological Survey, we are witnessing for the moment a sequence of moderate earthquakes in the Kinneret region. "Our concern is that this sequence would last for a month with a tremor felt every few days … We can not predict when the next earthquake will hit, so we have to prepare ourselves."

Dr. Hamiel further notes that the Geological Survey is currently working on a nationwide warning system that will give a few seconds of warning before an earthquake hits.

Meanwhile, the city of Tiberias has opened a hotline for people suffering from anxiety as a result of earthquakes. Interested persons can contact the call center at 106.

Ahiya Raved, Inbar Tvizer, and King Rubinstein contributed to this story

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