Israel's High Court freezes the demolition of the West Bank village until July 16


The disputed issue of the demolition of a Bedouin village in the West Bank took a new turn on Monday when Israel's High Court of Justice issued a temporary injunction, thus preventing the state from prosecuting his village evacuation plan.

A Palestinian lawyer representing residents of the Khan al-Ahmar village in the West Bank filed a petition last week, claiming that no eviction order had been given to residents as the law the demands in terms of evacuation.

Lawyers claim that only the demolition of orders were issued, which causes the High Court to order a state response by July 16, meaning that the demolition will be postponed until then.

The body of the Ministry of Defense overseeing the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar indefinite strike early next Tuesday because of the failure of the Ministry of Finance to improve pension plans for its employees.

After years of legal fighting, the High Court approved the state's plan to demolish the village, which is said to have been built without a building permit and too close to a highway

Activists and advocates who defend the residents of Khan al-Ahmar argue that they were forced to build without permits since Israel rarely delivers them to Palestinians living in this area of ​​the West Bank.

Villagers have lived here since the 1950s when the West Bank was under Jordanian control.

The approximately 180 people living in the village were Israel was moved to the nearby town of Abu Dis, which he refused.

Last week, tensions escalated in the Bedouin village when the IDF seized access to the roads leading to the village. bulldozers.


– International attention –

Thursday, several European diplomats tried to make a solidarity visit to the West Bank village Diplomats from Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the European Union have sought to visit the Khan al-Ahmar School funded by several European countries, but they have been pushed back to the village entrance.

Police said the area had been declared a closed military zone.

"We were informed by local leaders but refused by security forces to the school. "We wanted to show our solidarity with this village which is threatened with destruction, for humanitarian reasons and because it is a major issue of international law," said the Consul General to the West Bank. Pierre Cochard, told reporters at the scene of France, that the demolition of the village would be a violation of the Geneva Convention stating the obligations of an occupier to those under his control.

It would also greatly complicate the search for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he added.

"These demolitions, as well as plans to build new settlements for Israelis in the same area, exacerbate the threats The EU mission in Israel said Thursday

that the mission of the US EU has argued that the village of Khan al-Ahmar is "critical for peace and security" contiguity a future Palestinian state. "

The EU often makes its voices heard against Israel, both on the IDF's behavior in Gaza, but also on the daily challenges Palestinians face in the West Bank.

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