The World's Largest Christian Hispanic Group Joins FOZ to Fight Anti-Semitism


SACRAMENTO, California July 10, 2018 / PRNewswire / – The Hispanic-Israeli Leadership Coalition (HILC) – the largest pro-Israel Hispanic organization in the world – joined forces with the Work of the President, a division of the Friends of Sion Heritage Center (FOZ) in Jerusalem to help combat anti-Semitism and the BDS

The Chairman's Working Group is a non-governmental organization composed of presidents of major groups. Christian organizations. Its executive committee includes former governor Mike Huckabee Dr. Ronnie Floyd Reverend Jentezen Franklin, Dr. Robert Jeffress and Dr. ] Jack Graham .

  Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the Hispanic National Conference and HILC
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the Hispanic National Conference and HILC.

"We are proud to collaborate with the working group of the President of the Friends of Sion and with his tireless founder, Dr. Mike Evans ," said the Reverend Samuel Rodriguez President of the National Hispanic Conference and HILC.

"The purpose of our partnership is to take advantage of FOZ's unparalleled access and influence within Israel as well as tremendous social media production capabilities and of content to promote Israel Our message is clear: Israel its people and leaders have no more faithful friends than Hispanic Christians Our partnership with FOZ will contribute to keep it that way for future generations.

FOZ says that it is dedicated to the defense of Israel and the Jewish people by highlighting the courageous acts of Christian Zionists who joined the Jewish people in establishing the Jewish state modern. Together, FOZ and HILC will work to promote the values ​​of the Spanish-American community and the Spanish-speaking diaspora by fighting anti-Semitism in all its forms, as well as the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. "We are extremely excited that this new partnership with Reverend Rodriguez and the NHCLC / HILC represents, both for FOZ, but more important for Israel and its people," said the president of the FOZ. Mike Evans .

"There is already a natural love and relationship between Israel and Hispanic Christians, and a partnership with NHCLC, the largest Hispanic Christian organization in the world, offers us the opportunity to equip millions of people in the United States and throughout Central America and with the tools and content they need to combat the hateful messages of BDS and anti-Semitism We hope for a powerful partnership for the years to come. "[19659002] Rev. Samuel Rodriguez is president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. He has been named by CNN and Fox News as "the leader of the Hispanic Evangelical Movement" and TIME Magazine has named him one of the 100 most influential leaders in America.

The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference is recognized and recognized by Time Magazine, New York Times The Wall Street Journal, Christianity Today, Charisma Magazine, NBC, Telemundo, Univision, Fox News, CNN, and a number of additional media, publications, and periodicals as the most important and influential Hispanic / Latin American Christian organization with 40,118 certified member churches in the United States. States and chapters in Latin America .

Website | Twitter | @nhclc

Dr. Michael D. Evans is a No. 1 author of the New York Times bestseller, award-winning journalist, commentator, minister and director of Friends of the Zion Heritage Center and Museum. He is considered one of the world's leading experts on Israel and Middle East and is a sought-after speaker on the subject.

About Friends of Sion

Located in the heart of Jerusalem the Heritage Center of the Friends of Sion bring stories of love and heroism in the world. Beautifully said using a revolutionary technology that we find nowhere else in the country, visitors live the story that unfolds as they go back in time. Visitors enter a whole new world, where they meet biblical figures, academics, businessmen, and military leaders who, through their faith, have forged an eternal bond between the Jewish and Christian peoples.,

Facebook | The Jerusalem Prayer Team

SOURCE The Friends of Sion Museum

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