Jewish groups castigate Trump candidate for Supreme Court Kavanaugh – US News


Jewish groups responded fiercely to US President Donald Trump's appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

53-year-old Trump's appointment of Kavanaugh aimed at consolidating the Conservative control of the court for the coming years with his second lifetime appointment to the country's highest judicial body in his first 18 months of Presidency. With the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court will now have a 5-4 Conservative majority.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) have expressed concerns about its positions on key social and civil issues.

In a statement issued by the ADL, concerns regarding the protection of the LGBTQ community, voting, immigration and women's rights were addressed.

The ADL pointed out that Kavanaugh "has demonstrated hostility to reproductive freedom and his past support for the vastly expanded and uncontrolled executive power."

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They also feared that Kavanaugh could not separate his personal political views from his duty to the judiciary, citing his past decisions.

"We can not allow Justice Kennedy's retirement to jeopardize hard-fought progress in securing our civil rights and civil liberties," writes the ADL.

The organization of the NCJW Foundation, which works for the promotion of equality and the principles of Judaism, expresses similar concerns in writing that they are "irritated" by the appointment of Kavanaugh .

"The appointment of Kavanaugh by the president will threaten the reproductive rights of women in general and Roe v Wade in particular," writes the NCJW.

NCWJ's statement raised a case in which Kavanaugh tried to block the attempt of a minor immigrant to obtain a legal abortion, with the claimant pretending that the court was creating "a new right to immigrants in detention to obtain immediate abortion at the request. "

The NCWJ also blamed the refusal of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to grant a hearing to Merrick Garland, US Supreme Court Barack Obama's Supreme Court candidate in 2017. According to the NCWJ, this resulted in a "coup d'etat judiciaire" according to which "the three branches of government are now under the influence of a program aimed at thwarting any progress towards the equality of rights, gender equality, LGBTQ rights, health care and voting. rights."

The ADL and the NCJW both urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to carefully consider Kavanaugh's appointment and to probe him to ensure that he will respect the principles of equality. , civil and social rights. Both organizations promised to continue their efforts to promote these values ​​of their own agreements.

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