Eclipse 2018: NASA shares an amazing picture of the Moon's eclipse of blood | Science | New


Lunar photography was taken by the astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA) Alexander Gerst who is currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Dr. Gerst took the picture of one of the planet's flybys. The astronaut shared the photo on Twitter: "By orbiting the Earth almost 16 times a day, the ISS crew travels each day to the moon." [19659002L'astronomeaddedfilmel'auroreborealbororesborealis'ISS

NASA said with the photo: "The International Space Station is the only orbital laboratory in the world."

"An International Partnership of Space Agencies Provides and Operates

" The main ones are the space agencies of the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan and Canada. "

On July 6, the July moon was in the so-called last quarter phase and only about 48 percent of the moon was illuminated.

On Tuesday, July 10, the moon is all but wrapped in the dark – the so-called Waning Crescent – with only 10 percent of its face lit.

the moon will turn to complete darkness and disappear on July 13 as the New Moon.

But the real show is still coming in the night of Friday, July 27, with the total lunar eclipse of the Moon of Blood

.On the night of the eclipse, the orbital path of the moon will see it traveling to the center of the 39, the darkest shadow of the Earth, Umbra

According to NASA, an eclipse is "a phenomenon that occurs t when the Earth, the moon and the sun are perfect. alignment, covering the moon in the shadow of the Earth. "

During one hour and 43 minutes, the moon will darken and take on a red to orange hue.

The effect known as Raleigh scattering with tapes refracted from the red sunlight bent around the atmosphere of the planet.

The same process is responsible for the blue color of the sky and why the sky appears red during a sunset.

This year , the total lunar eclipse will be visible from Central Asia to East Africa and Europe, South America, West Africa and Africa. Australia

Skywatchers in the UK will be able to see the peak of the Blood Moon on the horizon eclipsed from 8:30 pm, but times will vary slightly between cities.

The Blood Moon is the first visible lunar eclipse of the United Kingdom since September 2015.

The following total lunar eclipse will appear on January 21, 2019 and will be visited Central Pacific, the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

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