Israeli technology helped rescue boys in Thai cave – the front


Once again, the technology developed by Israel has benefited the international community, this time as an essential tool to ensure communication between the 12 Thai boys and their football coach and the Royal Thai Navy Seals.

be an essential tool in communication for the 12 members of the Thai youth football team as well as their coach. The group was trapped in a cave for nearly three weeks due to the monsoon flood. All 12 children and their coach were rescued and declared safe Tuesday. Tragically, a former seal of the Thai Navy died during the rescue operations.

The 11-16 year old group was trapped in the cave for 9 days before being discovered by British rescuers. Since then, a relief initiative has been launched with great urgency and effort. The football team spent a total of 18 days inside the cave.

To help advance the rescue, Maxtech Networks was asked to provide a radio network system that could circumvent many of the challenges of the situation. to communicate between rescuers and boys in danger

We are very grateful for the Israeli technology, Maxtech Networks, which has played a crucial role today in rescuing six of the boys who were trapped in a Thai cave during weeks. Our … (@KnessetCAC) July 8, 2018

"The Times of Israel" wrote technology that "a chain of small devices, similar to portable radios, pbad wireless communications between them, allowing a link in places where regular radios will not work, such as when there are major obstacles blocking the line of sight between the two ends of the line. "

In simpler terms, Uzi Hanuni, CEO of Maxtech Networks, commented that "it looks like a walkie-talkie, but it's not at all like that". The idea is that a network of radios has been connected "in a garland", to bypbad the physical obstacle of the cave.

The Maxtech Network's ability to successfully badist the eventual release of the 13 people trapped in the cave. will probably propel the company towards higher demand. The company has demonstrated that its technology provides a service that other forms of technology can not, particularly surpbading the failed attempt of the "mini-submarine" initiative of Elon Musk.

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