The victory! Isreal is getting closer to a step of phasing out Cruel Live Export


The Israeli government has supported a bill to phase out imports of animals for slaughter from Europe and Australia. The bill, drafted in collaboration with Israeli animal rights groups, is a major blow to the controversial trade in live sheep that is killing thousands of animals.

The bill wants the import of live animals for slaughter to be phased out with quotas set by the Minister of Agriculture in the first phase of the program. Elimination, The Conversation reports. The 2019 quota would not exceed 75 percent of the number of animals imported into the country in 2017. It would then be reduced by 25 percent annually, with live imports being totally eliminated within three years.

the Ministerial Committee for Legislation, the bill to stop transporting live to Israel, "said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Facebook." It is our duty to act and correct this Huge suffering caused to animals. "

A recently published survey by animal rights groups supporting the movement showed that the bill enjoyed mbadive public support. and we must take action to prevent this unnecessary suffering, while there is an alternative that causes less suffering and suffering to animals, "said Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan." It's a Duty Moral. "

" The animals are imported from Australia and Europe during long sea voyages that could last for weeks, "says the explanatory note to the bill." During the trips, the animals are m kept in high density, covered with feces, and suffer from heat stress, rough sea and other serious damage. Many of them get sick and many do not survive the trip. "

According to Zohar, the bill demonstrates the values ​​of the country and would reduce the transport of sheep and live cattle, while increasing the import of fresh meat Israel's firm stance on the issue is substantial change for the industry, even though Australia's live sheep exports to the country are relatively small compared to other major markets in the Middle East, as trade is already undergoing significant changes – In 2017, Australia exported 88,000 live sheep to Israel, compared to 119,049 transported in 2016. From the beginning of 2018 to the beginning of June, 30,676 sheep were exported to the country, and the trade is now on hold. after the main Australian exporter, Emanuel Exports, was suspended due to the inability of the company to ensure the welfare of the animals being transported, which resulted in the death of thousands of sheep against this industry. alley, but it is crucial to continue the fight and spread awareness!

Source of the image: Magda Ehlers / Pexels


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