Netanyahu will say to Putin: Assad must comply with the postwar Golan Treaty – Israel News


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to visit Moscow on Wednesday morning for two days and meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday night in the Kremlin.

This will be the third meeting between the two leaders in the last six months. It will take place in the shadow of new Syrian President Bashar Assad who controls the south of Syria and the withdrawal of rebels from this region, as well as from Israel. efforts to prevent Iranians from gaining strength in Syria.

Before Wednesday's meeting with Putin, Netanyahu met on Tuesday with Putin's special envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin.
In a statement, the prime minister's office said Netanyahu was going to clarify that "Israel will not tolerate any military presence of Iran or its agents in Syria and that Syria must strictly abide by it." 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement ".

>> Syrian strike: on the eve of the Moscow meeting, Netanyahu sends a strategic message to Putin | Analysis

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This statement contradicts various leaks over the past two months, according to which new provisions have been made in southern Syria, which would have pushed the Iranians away from Israel's northern border.

Foreign diplomats informed of the talks between Israel and Moscow say that Israel has agreed not to disrupt the Assad regime's control over Israel's northern border and not to help the rebels except for humanitarian aid, in exchange for keeping Iranian troops and Shiite militias away from the border and keeping room for maneuver against any increase in their forces in Syria.
[Netanyahou] told the cabinet at Sunday's weekly meeting that during his meeting with Putin he would "reiterate the two basic tenets of Israeli policy: First, we will not tolerate the establishment of a military presence by Iran and its proxies in Syria – not close to the border and not far away from it Secondly, we will demand that Syria and the Syrian army strictly adhere to the separation of forces agreement from 1974. "

Netanyahu added, "It goes without saying that I am in regular contact with the US administration, these ties with the two great powers are very important for the security of Israel at all times and especially now. . "

Another bombing on Sunday at an Iranian facility at the Syrian T4 air force base near Homs was attributed to Israel.

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