The winner of Eurovision-2018 Netta Barzilai came to Kiev to shoot a video


The shooting took place in several places

  Победительница Евровидения-2018 Нетта Барзилай приехала Киев снимать клип

The winner of Eurovision Song Contest-2018 Israel Netta Barzilai is now in Kiev. The girl was spotted on the streets of the capital, about it on her Facebook page wrote the director of public relations Arthur Sviranski. He said that Netta chose several places to film.

"A secret has been told, and I am going to share: Netta Barzilai is now in Kiev.The Israeli singer has learned in the street.The singer makes a video, and soon the world will see the beauty of our filming locations: near the history museum of Ukraine, Bucha Park and borshchagivka.The singer was spotted with a sofa.If you hurry and go to Borwege, it is possible to you own, because in the evening she leaves the house. ", – wrote Arthur

 Победительница Евровидения-2018 Нетта Барзилай приехала Киев снимать клип

In addition, your Instagram Netta has published a short video where you can see the car with the figures of Kiev, and also, at the end of the video, you can hear how the singer says "Kiev".

We will remember, songwriters Netta Barzilai accused of plagiarism. Previously, there were disputes at the venue of the competition. Eurovision-2019 could be held in Austria.

  Победительница Евровидения-2018 Нетта Барзилай приехала в Киев снимать клип

 Победительница Евровидения-2018 Нетта Барзилай приехала в Киев снимать клип

 Победительница Евровидения-2018 Нетта Барзилай приехала в Киев снимать клип [19659011] Share button

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