Eyes in the heavens: the Israeli police drones to enforce the traffic laws | The Jewish Press – JewishPress.com | TPS / Tazpit News Agency | 29 Tammuz 5778 – July 11, 2018


Credit: Israeli Police

Israeli Police Trafficking

By Mara Vigevani

Israeli police will deploy drones as part of the traffic department's efforts to enforce traffic violations. 19659005] This initiative is part of the ongoing fight against road accidents, which has claimed 161 lives since the beginning of 2018. In 2017, 364 people were killed on the roads and another 2,201 were seriously injured.

The application of drones will consist of documenting mobile violations with cameras placed on drones, providing photographic evidence to police units in the area, who will arrest and sanction the driver immediately after the offense took place.

"The drone can see but can not be seen, it is an important deterrent in the fight against the violations of life and intimidation on the road", the statement said.

Drones will be deployed throughout the country, especially on roads where road accidents are common. FB.init (); [ad_2]
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