Chinese states councilor holds talks with foreign ministers of Arab states – Xinhua


BEIJING, July 11 (Xinhua) – Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Wednesday held talks with foreign ministers of Palestine, Somalia, Mauritania, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya respectively.

During the talks with the Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki, Wang said China will continue to firmly support the Palestinian people to restore their Palestinian national rights, and the Palestinian people should not be marginalized.

He said Palestine's right to self-determination

Palestine hopes China will play

Malki said Palestine is ready to deepen pragmatic cooperation with China under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the Middle East and the Achievement of the Two-State Solution, he said.

During the talks with Soma Foreign Minister Ahmed Isse Awad, Wang said China will always support Somalia's efforts to promote sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and will support the Somali government in advancing the political process, promoting social reconciliation and improving governance ability.

China is willing to support Somalia's peaceful reconstruction within its capabilities, Wang said.

Awad said Somalia has always firmly adhered to the one-China policy. He said that he was actively involved in the development and construction of agriculture and fishery, and that he was developing a project in the area of ​​agriculture, fishery and human resources development and capability-building.

Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania, Wang said China is willing to enhance the Belt and Road construction China-Mauritania cooperation

Ahmed said Mauritania attaches great importance to relations with China, adheres to the one-China policy China supports the efforts of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to enhance cooperation with China in areas including infrastructural construction, agriculture and fishery, said Ahmed.

During his meeting with Tuni Sian Foreign Minister, Khemaies Jhinaoui, Wang, China, and the FOCAC, Beijing, September 1965.

He also encouraged both countries to strengthen cooperation under the belt and road framework.

Jhinaoui said Tunisia hopes to become a key hub of the Belt and Road Initiative in North Africa.

The two countries signed a MOU on the Belt and Road After the talks

During his meeting with Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Yamani, Wang said China supports Yemen's efforts to achieve national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China backs Yemen, he said, adding that China will continue to provide badistance to Yemen within its capability, especially to help. 1965-9002] Al-Yamani said Yemen looks forward to seeing China continues to play an important role in the issue of Yemen and welcomes China's active participation in its reconstruction process.

During their talks with Mohammed Sayala, Foreign Minister of the Government of National Accord de Libya, Wang said China is willing to keep making efforts to promote the political settlement of the Libya issue, expressing the hope that the North African country will return to the track to peace, stability and rule of law at an early date. 19659002] Sayala said Libya hopes China will be involved in the country's reconstruction process and welcomes more Chinese investment in Libya.

The two sides also signed on to the Belt and Road Initiative.

is waiting for the eighth ministerial meeting of CASCF held Tuesday in Beijing.

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