& # 39; Shock and Awe & # 39; Rob Reiner exposes lies about weapons of mass destruction – Jewish Journal


Courtesy of Vertical Entertainment

As one of Hollywood's most successful multi-caterers, actor-producer-director Rob Reiner has been badociated with many titles among the most emblematic of television and cinema. All in the family "and" It's Spinal Tap "for" Stand by Me "," When Harry Met Sally "," The Princess Bride "and" Some Good Men. " "

With his latest project," Shock and Awe ", between the September 11 terrorist attacks and the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States, Reiner tells the true story of journalists who proved that the administration of George W. Bush manufactured the mbad weapon of the Iraqi president Saddam Hussein

The film, which took 15 years to Reiner, counts Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson and James Marsden as reporters of the Knight Ridder newspaper Joe Galloway, Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel.Reiner holds the role of John Walcott, Washington bureau chief.

"It was a movie I wanted to do just after the "Invasion of Iraq," said Reiner, 71, to the newspaper. "In 2003, I had the idea of ​​doing like a satire, as" Dr. Strangelove, & # 39; and I worked with Larry Gelbart on the script, but we could not get it as I liked it. I tried it again as a dramatic movie and it did not work. Then I saw Bill Moyers' documentary about these four journalists from Knight Ridder and I thought, "It's perfect."

The four journalists served as advisers on the film. "They were on the set when we shot the footage with the reporters, and they were intimately involved in the whole process," said Reiner. "We tried to stay as close as possible to what really happened.We wanted to expose the lies that led to the war, to show how difficult it was to reach the truth and to show the huge cost of not conveying this truth to the American people. "

Reiner did not intend to play Walcott, but Alec Baldwin gave up two days before it was scheduled to shoot. Reiner's wife, Michele, suggested that he intervene. "I thought," Well, I'm available and I work cheap. But I did not really want to do it because I do not like to play and direct [at the same time]. Your attention is completely divided, "said Reiner, though with" This Is Spinal Tap, "" And So It Goes, "and" Alex & Emma, ​​"he did both.

Before his Attacking the role, Reiner received another spousal advice. "Michele said," Try to be a little less Jewish. "I said," I do not know if I could make. I am a Jew from the Bronx.

Reiner often played Jewish characters, including Izzy Rosenblatt in "Primary Colors," Sheldon Flender in "Bullets Over Broadway" and Max Belfort in "The Wolf of Wall Street." And even though "All in the Family "Mike" Meathead "Stivic was Polish-American," I saw him as a Jew, "says Reiner.

Although her parents, Carl and the late Estelle Reiner, were atheists "They raised us as Jews from a cultural and historical point of view," said Reiner. "When other children were going to Hebrew school, a rabbi came to teach the neighborhood children Jewish history and Yiddish, and my grandmother spoke Yiddish at home. We have always celebrated Pbadover because it was a historic event.

"Jews have always focused on the exploration of the spirit and the education.These things have been impressed me, with the decency and the way which you treat your neighbor, "added Reiner, categorizing her current religious beliefs as humanistic." I think we are all part of the family of man.

An ardent advocate of liberal causes, Reiner worked to overthrow California's Proposition 8 and pave the way for the equality of marriage, and chaired the first state commission to defend the minor children. 5.

"My mother was part of a group called Another Mother for Peace, an anti-war group during the Vietnam War, and they had a famous poster saying," The war is unhealthy for children and other living beings. "My father walked into the moratorium [march against the Vietnam War]," he said. "There has been a lot of discussion about civil rights around the table. I grew up in a home where we talked about these things.

Reiner briefly considered running for governorship in 2006, but believes he may be more effective outside his elective duties. "At this moment, the only thing I think is to preserve democracy and curb this slide towards authoritarianism," he said.

"Creeping fascism raises its ugly head," he said. "The Jews certainly know what it is.You see the same kind of rhetoric coming out of the jaws of [President Donald] Trump.The idea of" the other "to blame for your misfortune is what that Hitler has spread, and it is difficult for the mainstream media to break the constant lies.I do not say that what happened in Germany will happen, but there is no guarantee that democracy will survive. At this point, we see him moving away from us soon enough. "

Reiner is concerned about the Supreme Court's decision following the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy and the fact that that the president has completely destroyed our relations with our allies.] Suck up to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, "he said. "The checks and balances that the founding fathers put in place have been eroded, and the press is under attack.The country is going in a very strange direction."

That's why he feels he has to do more movies like "Shock and Awe" now. "I'm coming to this point of my life where I do not know how many other TV shows or movies I'm going to do, so I want to be able to say as much as I can about how I see the world. He said, "I'm trying to find ways to inject my thoughts and ideas into the work."

Reiner has two projects in development: a dramatic series for Paramount and a series based on Jeffrey Toobin's book "The Nine", on the Supreme Tribunal.He does not intend to act in both series so far, but he wants to continue playing Her recent roles include playing Zooey Deschanel's father on "New Girl" and a judge on "The Good Fight."

"Creeping fascism raises its ugly head. I am not saying that what happened in Germany will happen, but there is no guarantee that democracy will survive. At the present time, we see it moving away from us at a rather rapid pace. – Rob Reiner

"I get a lot more satisfaction and fun from staging, but I really like to play. It's like a vacation because you have no pressure, "he said. "You do not have to think about making a million decisions and you just have to play." As an actor, Reiner is proud to be part of "All in the Family." "C & # 39; was revolutionary. He was dealing with real problems and it was funny. "

As a filmmaker, he said:" The one that meant the most to me was "Stand by Me", because it best reflected my personality and my sensitivity. I met Michele when creating "When Harry Met Sally", which means a lot to me. And "The Princess Bride" means a lot because it was my favorite book growing up. "

His father icon of the entertainment industry, now 96 and still working as an actor, director and writer, has always been his greatest source of inspiration." Yes, there is the pressure of d & # 39; To have to respect certain things, "acknowledged Reiner." But I admired him immensely and looked up at him. I wanted to be like him. "

Reflecting on his career to date, Reiner said:" I like the fact that some of those films that I've made seem to be the test of time, but you do not know. It is for other people to understand. You simply continue and hope to do things that people value and influence in one way or another, and add something to the experience of life on the planet. . "

He believes" Shock and Awe. "" This film means a lot to me. It's not easy to watch, but it's a warning of what we need to be vigilant on if we want to protect democracy, "Reiner said." It's an important film and I hope people will see it. "

" Shock and Awe "opens in theaters on July 13.

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