Palestinians accuse Israel's court of double standards after putting the killer at liberty


NAGLUS, July 12, 2018 (WAFA) – The Israeli district court in Lydda, in northern Israel, on Thursday released an Israeli settler involved in the murder of his family. in the murder of the Dawabsheh family on July 31, 2015 after burning their house in the northern West Bank village of Douma, killing parents and their baby, while causing another child serious burns, only surviving member Nbader Dawabsheh, a relative of the bereaved family, told WAFA that the court had decided to place the underage murderer under house arrest and had forbidden him to leave the country or use the phones or the Internet

"C & # It's a sad day for the family, "he said. "The decision reminded us of terrible memories of the burning of my brother's house and when we tried to save them.The scene was restored with the decision of the court."

Dawabsheh has accused the Israeli court and the judge of being racist and double standards, saying that if the accused was Palestinian, his family and he would have been severely punished. demolished, and even their entire village would have been subjected to collective punishment. "But when the crime is perpetrated by Israelis, the courts try to find something to stop them."

He said "the Israeli judicial system gives impunity to the murderers of the Palestinians and more reasons to continue attacking them"

He said that the family did not have any only to pursue the case in Israeli courts before appealing to international tribunals for justice if all efforts to convict the murderers failed.


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