Honor 10 units sold 3M sold, OEM grows 150% overall


The Honor 10 has exceeded three million global sales, the Huawei-owned phone maker itself increasing its international business by 150% a year during the first half of the year, has revealed the company. The Chinese company has focused on strengthening its overseas presence in recent years, this strategy now seeming to bear fruit, allowing it to be implanted in many new markets. In the last six months, Honor has launched new units in Egypt, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Pakistan, Colombia and the Philippines, announcing an even more aggressive expansion. 19659002] Honor also took over the title of the fastest growing smartphone brand in India from Xiaomi, having recorded a 300 percent increase in local sales over the same period. In Europe, Honor's most promising market is Spain, where the company experienced a mbadive 500% growth in the first half, while its UK business is now considered a big hit , having increased by some 200 -percent annual. The Honor 10 itself is doing well on the domestic market and has surpbaded the one million units sold by the end of May, with the company remaining the best-selling online brand in the Extreme East, another title of Xiaomi. In the medium term, Honor says his goal of becoming the third-largest smartphone vendor on the planet in the next half-decade is still being pursued, as this seat is currently owned by his parent Huawei who is aiming for first place over the same period. Honorary representatives have always been keen to point out that, although affiliates, both companies pursue their own product strategies and target audiences, claiming that their relationship is not much different from that of divisions of the world's largest automakers. Honor is expected to announce at least half a dozen new Android smartphones in the second half of the year, most of which will likely be available in the West.

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