More than 3 million honor 10 units were sold worldwide



Recently from the Twitter account of honor, the company proudly announced that its number 10 honor has incredibly sold more than 3 million units across Europe and Asia. If you remember correctly, the device was launched in May of this year and it is an accomplishment and a milestone for them.

According to statistics, their international sales volumes, including shipments for Europe and Asia, have increased by 150% annually. year. This is only the first half of 2018 and does not even count the Chinese market. Europe seems to be the strongest market of honor since shipments to Spain have quintupled, while sales volumes in the UK have climbed up to 200%. The honor has even surpbaded Apple as the second largest supplier in Russia. Meanwhile, the presence of honor in India, also increased significantly and increased sales by 300%.

Three million 10 honor, three million thanks! Huge shoutout to all our fans to honor # Honor10 ! This milestone could not have been achieved without your help. #BeautyInAI

– Honor Smartphone (@Honorglobal) On July 11, 2018

the honor is doing pretty well and this also includes Malaysia . In fact, Honor Malaysia will have a July 7 Madness Deals from July 17 until July 22, 2018 with RM349 coupons, gifts and phone discounts only. To learn more about this, you can go here to check and stay tuned for more info on

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