For the 70th anniversary of Israel, Yad Vashem is the host of a mission from generation to generation


The name of the righteous is invoked in the blessing, But the fame of the wicked rots. Proverbs 10: 7 (The Bible of Israel ™)

Avenue of the Righteous among the nations at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem (Credit: Yad Vashem)

marking the 70th anniversary of Israel, Yad Vashem brought friends and supporters from around the world on a mission to explore the commemoration of the Holocaust and education in the twenty-first century. In collaboration with the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, the international mission "Generation to Generation: Israel at 70" started in Vienna, Austria for the European part of the program.

Participants from the United States, Mexico, Israel, the United Kingdom, and Australia explored the history of vibrant Jewish life in Vienna from the outset. war, met with leaders of the Judeo-Austrian community and visited the Mauthausen concentration camp.

After visiting Israel for a four-day visit to Yad Vashem, friends and supporters of the museum had a behind-the-scenes look at its activities and projects and a deeper understanding of its long-term goals for the important work of Yad Vashem in Israel and abroad.

The mission visited ICEJ (International Christian Embbady Jerusalem), a Christian Zionist organization whose mission includes the recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its environs. unique bond with the Jewish people. Participants in Yad Vashem's mission heard about the ICEJ-Yad Vashem collaborations that have occurred over the last six decades and, according to a Yad Vashem spokesperson, will continue in the future.

On the importance of the commemoration of the Holocaust today, Simmy Allen, head of international media for Yad Vashem, posed to Breaking Israel News "How will the commemoration of the Holocaust?" Towards that end, he argued, "we are trying to get as much information as possible from Yad Vashem's archives – everything under one roof – including various exhibits and rescue materials and artifacts from the general public. "

During the mission, Yad Vashem launched a major support campaign for the new Shoah Heritage campus. As part of the new campus, the Shoah Heritage Collections Center will ensure the storage and preservation of the largest collection of Holocaust art, artifacts and archival documents. which are currently on Memorial Mount.

"The Holocaust Heritage Campus for the Collection of Art and Art Objects is the first place in the world for objects related to the Holocaust. will be able to store them in a state-of-the-art facility, "said Allen Breaking Israel News .

Yad Vashem's president, Avner Shalev, greeted the participants and accompanied them through personalized tours of Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem and in his new educational center of commemoration and heroism of the city. Holocaust located at the IDF training camp in the Negev. opened as a partnership between Yad Vashem and the Israel Defense Forces.

Allen noted that Yad Vashem is able to achieve his goals and facilitate his programs through the generosity of donors, including those who participated in the mission.

Participants learned about Yad Vashem's myriad activities in the areas of Holocaust remembrance, documentation, research, and education. They met with experts on issues such as preservation and archival collection and heard how Yad Vashem disseminates the vast material and knowledge gathered on the Memorial Hill in Jerusalem. They participated in educational workshops on current topics, including the history and current forms of anti-Semitism.

The Israeli side ended with a special Shabbat program with Prime Minister Yad Vashem and the former chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel, and Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, and later , a ceremony and a special event with the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin

Generation to Generation: From Austria to Israel at 70

#YVmissionDuring the last 8 days, a hundred participants in the Generation Generation Mission 2018 of Yad Vashem traveled from Austria to Israel, while connecting them and their common heritage, visiting historical sites and interacting with survivors, as well as with Israeli and Austrian officials. In the camps, mission participants commemorated the Holocaust and honored the four survivors who traveled with them and the victims who were murdered. Upon their arrival in Israel, participants visited Yad Vashem and learned about Yad Vashem's activities, while celebrating Israel at age 70. The mission participants left the experience deeply moved and dedicated to the memory and education of the Holocaust. that the history and personal experiences of the Holocaust will never be forgotten.

Published by Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem, Wednesday, July 11, 2018

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