A killed and two injured in a collapse of an electric tunnel in northern Israel


(July 13, 2018 / JNS) A man was killed and two others were injured when a tunnel collapsed on Friday in an underground construction plant.

At least eight workers were briefly trapped at about 50 meters underground in the tunnel of the Ma "Gilboa Power Station near Beit Shean during the incident, when an overhead crane fell on it

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Workers were building an underground hydroelectric facility at the site, which works by pumping water from a low reservoir to a station at the top of Mount Gilboa, and then letting it spill into a waterfall. 39, groundwater on a large turbine, generating

The wounded men, both in their thirties, were evacuated by helicopter to Haemek Hospital in Afula. Ambulances, mobile intensive care units and a helicopter were scrambled at the site.

Police launched an investigation into the accident.

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