Did Sacha Baron Cohen organize a fake pro-Israel event to fool the Conservatives? – US News


Did Sacha Baron Cohen, the British Jewish comedian known for portraying characters like Borat and Ali G, organize a false pro-Israel event in Washington DC to fool the Conservatives? After being accused of having made a "sick" farce to Sarah Palin as part of her new television show "Who's America?", Cohen is now accused of having cheated two other personalities from the American right. a key part of the comedian's setup.

According to a statement by Roy Moore of Alabama and the tweets of Joe Walsh, right-wing radio host turned congressman, both were invited to a "pro-Israel event" where they would receive a prize for "Significant Contributions to the State of Israel."

According to a statement released by Moore, "In February 2018, I was invited to Washington, DC to receive an award for my strong support of Israel in commemoration of its 70th anniversary as a nation. " According to the former Chief Justice of Alabama accused of badual misconduct, he agreed to participate because "Alabama has always been at the forefront of supporting Israel And he has "a strong belief in God as Creator and Sustainer of all life, like Israel".

"I did not know Sacha Cohen, nor that a TV show from Showtime was intended to embarrbad, humiliate and mock not only Israel, but also religious conservatives like Sarah Palin, Joe Walsh and Dick Cheney, "wrote Moore. .

Indeed, Walsh tweeted that he too was invited to a similar event and even received a physical award, though it was not clear whether a ceremony took place.

I was invited to a pro-Israel dinner that honored the defenders of Israel. The producers said that they needed to film a pre-interview that would be broadcast as part of Israel's 70th anniversary celebration. #BoycottShowtime

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) July 11, 2018

@SachaBaronCohen's friends said Tony Blair, Rupert Murdoch, Bono and Steven Spielberg were also honored – I flew to DC, the producers booked me a hotel room, paid for by: Daniel Nuzzi #BoycottShowtime pic.twitter.com/8upPN54Pne

– Joe Walsh ( @WalshFreedom) 11 July 2018

So, I was really honored to be nominated as a pro-Israel voice in America. I participated in the interview after working with a Alexis Rothe of "https://t.co/T35TrMjGoD" and a "Alexis Sampietro", which was CC randomly on a wire. ;E-mail. #BoycottShowtime

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) 11 July 2018

I was taken to the studio, the production was a mess, I sat down and we started talking from pro-Israel, Israeli defense, then out of the left field, the interviewer begins to talk about how children should defend themselves against terrorist attacks. #BoycottShowtime pic.twitter.com/kdwA0h9VyR

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) 11 July 2018

And just like that the producers have come out of the studio like a apparent fight broke out. Stranger interview of my life – do not think that they have me much usurped – but I got this award, thanks @showtime . #boycottShowtime pic.twitter.com/yTZcxTww6O

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) July 11, 2018

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Walsh seems to suggest that during a "pre-event interview" he was fooled into saying that in Israel, children are used to defend themselves against terrorists.

I understand that Israel handles security very differently from the way America deals with security – the interviewer has shown several articles about children arresting terrorists – things like that. They made me read a teleprompter – I stopped and interrogated their direction. #boycottShowtime

– Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) 11 July 2018

Other characters from the right would also have been trapped by Cohen as part of the new CBS / Showtime show. Dick Cheney, for example, is featured in the show trailer as signing a "waterboarding kit".

Palin's group apparently sees her interviewed in Washington by a heavily disguised Cohen, who appears as a disabled American veteran in a wheelchair.

Palin, who traveled to the interview with his daughter from his home in Alaska, took on Facebook to criticize Cohen after the fake interview, saying that the "disrespect of our American and American military clbad average via Cohen's foreign comments of the interview questions was perverse. "

Dr. Billy Wayne Ruddick – the fictional character of Cohen in this project – has taken the offensive in recent days, demanding an apology from Palin herself:

"I did not say that I was a veterinarian," read a letter to Palin signed by Ruddick. "I was in service – not military, but United Parcel, and I fought for my country only once – when I shot a Mexican who came on my property. (Coincidentally, just like our Grand President, I was unfortunately prevented from joining regular army because of the bone spurs found in my testimonies). "

The so-called Dr. Ruddick seems to run an Infowars-type website called Truthbrary.com and, through his Twitter account, likes the MAGA hashtag badociated with Trump and his followers.

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