DJ David Mueller fumbling with Taylor Swift says she's "ruined her life"


The DJ who was surprised to grope Taylor Swift on a red carpet photo said the singer ruined his life by suing him for badual badault.

David Mueller was sentenced to pay $ 1 to the pop star A million dollars in defamation was returned after five days of trial last August.

Swift, 28, complains that the 56-year-old girl caught her under the dress on the red carpet of a tour in 2013.

He has appeared to be caught on camera and was fired from his job at KYGO-FM in Denver after an investigation.

Almost a year after he was convicted, Mueller insisted on his innocence. the exhibition ruined his life.

How can you live with yourself? You ruined my life. I was not ready for the photo, he told Radar Online.

"I admit it was annoying but I never caught it. This is not even close to what happened.

Mueller, who is now a morning host at KIX 92.7 in Greenwood, Mississippi, said the trial has psychologically affected him and that people still want him.

afraid to speak even to women. I have the impression of being in a jail. I am no longer myself. I do not even approach women, "he said.

"It makes me angry. I was always the gentleman. I would always say "Hey, look at your tongue, there's a lady here" and then I'm accused of it. "

Mueller's new radio station, where he presents under the pseudonym of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson, had a bomb threat on his first week

However, despite the professional and personal damage caused by the lawsuit, he said that he did not regret pursuing Swift for defamation after his dismissal.

"I know that if I did not do it I would never have been able to live with myself." At least, now that my life is completely messed up, I'm proud of myself, "he said. [ad_2]
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